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[問題求助] 靜電放電測試

發表於 2008-4-12 00:55:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
剛剛研究了靜電放電( HBM & MM) JEDEC標準,實在需要很長的時間去進行測試。假設該IC具有數以百計的pin,很可能將需要超過1個月完成整個測試。這裡是否有任何人負責做ESD測試?
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發表於 2008-4-12 08:07:37 | 只看該作者
竹科閎康科技有此業務2 G: i; E2 f+ s6 S
發表於 2008-4-12 11:12:12 | 只看該作者
, N/ p- J# ]  l* m& B+ b儀特好像就有可以去查ㄧ下
發表於 2008-4-16 13:02:11 | 只看該作者


) c% \3 K; Y3 `/ C2 L我的建議是去閎康,會比較適合。
* f# y# Y6 R3 h因為我本身工作性質也是有接觸到ESD測試& f( h: p8 m, N; p& J; U
  R: J" K/ s+ t" ?在Zap的次數明顯比軍歸來的少了。
0 H; s/ N" p/ z2 o+ r( t" q
 樓主| 發表於 2008-4-22 00:07:49 | 只看該作者
my company is pursuading to MIL-Std ...9 N& X2 B, K0 ~1 r' m3 O  q' [
actually any company need MIL-Std? Our application is not for military purpose....
發表於 2008-5-21 12:14:35 | 只看該作者
For ESD test (HBM)# u8 j; _+ [* v4 _. d
The following are the test combination:2 e) L, R3 `: i
1. Power to Power: B7 h2 z3 d2 i
2. Power to Ground
2 P! a, t! o9 Z7 J1 y, x3. IO to Power1 B) O0 J' H- L' c/ N
4. Io to Ground* L+ l7 ^( y' Y
5. IO to IO) n9 q  v8 K- \/ ^" _
(different power domain need to be treated as different power. For ground usually you can treat as one group_silicon use substrate as common ground. But if you measure two different ground pin/ball > 2ohms. It should be seperated as 2 grond.)
9 R1 T8 l" l, U) O5 l' A
- D: h$ G# ^0 r' w: U3 A$ Pthe total zap time fomula will be~ 2(+/- polarity) X (IO#X(P#+G#)+IO#+P#X(P#-1)X(P#-2)X...X1+P#XG)+ l4 J4 v9 S9 M2 j6 N& l+ w% E
For example: You have IO1/IO2/IO3/P1/P2/G1& L1 C: W2 s) i/ O7 V
2x((3X(2+1)+3+2X1+2X1)=25(multiple the zap interval)
1 d$ j' F  e  b3 \/ QSo for high pin count it will take a lot of time. But it won't take more than a week(for one chip).
7 E) d2 H# k1 L9 k1 x5 n5 I$ C: ?  c' W7 z1 ~' \
For your reference.
發表於 2008-5-23 15:02:54 | 只看該作者
樓上的Jason...據我所知大部分的IC設計都會跑去宜特做ESD...為什麼你要特別建議去閎康做呢??4 o2 Q& R4 `) \
 樓主| 發表於 2008-5-26 21:15:09 | 只看該作者
thanks wesleysungisme for your answer.; I3 N( U1 f" g9 G; }" j
as our pin count is over 1000 and no. of power is ~ 20, so it's quite time-consuming.
" r0 R! k2 P  ]and there is technical issue about bonding all the dies into COB for ESD zapping, i wonder if anyone could share their practise? we feel difficult to strictly follow JEDEC standard.
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