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發表於 2014-7-16 08:22:35 | 只看該作者
Job Requirements:  ' T$ @  |& B  ?. \5 J6 [
Solid understanding of all SoC chip development stages is required.  
" m2 |: X3 D* Z( z" K) E( I* mHands-on Experience with complex SoC design flow is required.  
# w; u# ]' {4 G! g& u; ^Hands-on Experience with RTL coding, simulation, verification is required.
6 m! m- `1 ~& r. K! A' h2 dExperience with DFT and timing tools is preferred.   g2 s) x) a, z* m! r6 m
Experience with ARM platform is preferred.
( R* }9 @9 K! r; Z, T1 T+ x) }Experience with low power design flow is preferred.
, I: k& n9 a8 ~" V: Q- L  lExperience with system verilog is preferred.
- _$ `* z, W, p" m3 K; cGood organization and documentation abilities  
  n, l% ^: z: K3 z" v% q1 {MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with 4 years of experience in SoC design

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發表於 2014-7-25 10:56:53 | 只看該作者
Job Title hysical Design Engineer; A; {) c+ W/ l0 N
Job Category :IC Digital Design
9 k% d1 R. a% K6 T1 [: d' ^3 L+ FLocation : Singapore+ d4 S- G! ^0 k( w3 y" O
Job Type : Permanent
9 D" J, H- _6 }4 h# Z: rJob Description:% F8 `1 l4 t- I' O4 r% d
Looking for Physical Design Engineer (Technical Consultant) in a company offering hands on experience and international exposure.
/ z+ @( [* w# N6 S+ `
9 T: H( m9 T( Q0 e) Q2 D4 u6 qResponsibilities:# a3 R! ~7 p6 o+ h
To take full ownership of the Back-end Design, from netlist to GDS II
: w# A$ Z: C) O; X+ A( X  zAble to handle the process - synthesis, scan insertion, floorplanning, critical path timing analysis7 y1 e1 Q- F* j, ^* ?6 J
Manage the steps - place & route, equivalence check and STA& Z& c' i  G% k2 S7 N; H) }
Perform the physical verification upto signoff - LVS/ DRC
# u$ o9 g+ I% Y+ @$ [5 b* e* V
3 m9 V2 d, a" E3 J; eRequirements:; S2 B: ?/ {  _! O
Minimum 3 years experience in a hands on Physical Design role; M5 S/ M8 D! z. c# `
Handled full responsibility of STA, floorplanning, CTS and placement  Q) C3 u: H8 z, R2 i
Well versed in ICC Synopsys/ Encounter/ Calibre
. v6 j/ d; \" Q* H: ^9 OBachelor in Electronics, Master in Electronics preferred
4 j4 Z9 l: P% d/ ~. n. ^Dynamic, highly motivated individual with a positive attitude and strong desire to be successful+ J% u) e% J, J
Singaporeans / PRs only
8 u# u$ P: m9 n9 b4 I5 day week, Mon to Fri 9:00 AM to 6.00 PM
+ x* W# k% N; S: S/ ~- WFixed salary package - with attractive benefits1 ~) v  u# j5 {7 b1 `1 [9 J! J. v
Relocation support provided

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發表於 2014-7-25 10:57:17 | 只看該作者
Job Title : Senior Physical Design Engineer" S* U+ M! o3 o5 N
Job Category :IC Digital Design
+ u! u4 u- v) }9 NLocation : Singapore
% b8 s, y* S% WJob Type : Permanent
$ Q/ ]: W0 ?. a1 |4 p# EJob Description:
4 h5 q1 o1 }9 f" HLooking for Physical Design Engineer (Technical Consultant) in a company offering hands on experience and excellent exposure.
# E0 @/ @- x! N
: N0 f* v( @* z9 d) b: HResponsibilities:$ F% k& C* S. x5 ?7 z* }# k
To take full ownership of the Back-end Design of complex chips, from netlist to GDS II; \8 {3 F4 z7 ^: w4 I( E6 K
Able to handle the process - synthesis, scan insertion, floorplanning, critical path timing analysis
" U3 {) r; X9 {) f( {Manage the steps - place & route, equivalence check and STA
% R1 Q# S  a3 O) a, I  ?4 BPerform the physical verification upto signoff - LVS/ DRC
+ B4 ^, W5 ^* q8 ?) h$ N
4 ?! I1 J- \: p$ B# ?: J% YRequirements:; [, L0 z& f& C$ L# H
Minimum 6 years experience in a hands on Physical Design role; r" a2 e, N2 X; F2 S
Handled full responsibility of STA, floorplanning, CTS and placement
. l6 j* c, B" d9 `. A) h' Y* y4 oWell versed in ICC Synopsys/ Encounter/ Calibre
/ K2 t1 M  m% u2 oBachelor in Electronics, Master in Electronics preferred
9 `: q- x3 ]$ h; Q3 v% KDynamic, highly motivated individual with a positive attitude and strong desire to be successful" _0 i& X$ k3 \0 d8 a
Singaporeans / PRs only
' W, ~5 z% c+ U& N1 d' H5 day week, Mon to Fri 9:00 AM to 6.00 PM
9 v4 z1 u4 m0 D7 `Fixed salary package - with attractive performance incentive
6 u' r5 q( A! C0 _9 X4 j  N7 U! VRelocation support provided

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發表於 2014-8-15 13:50:55 | 只看該作者
  z2 B1 F! f& S& ?/ z" A9 H. n
# G! B7 R' t2 H公      司:A chip design company
, E, v. _+ {+ u" I. j# g工作地点:深圳
$ [+ c8 @3 G6 ~2 T' J. `$ c  l! E3 C+ ?7 B/ X, k  a6 e
岗位职责: 6 P" `3 U5 }% d, j5 q3 d
     1.芯片模块的设计与验证;  9 q* F5 c* v0 {
0 c; S" e; F3 ^1 K$ Q9 O     3.参与FPGA系统调试和验证;  6 o3 p. v1 r7 \; [
     4.参与芯片设计整个流程。# K# k# F* c5 }6 E! s' k+ J1 r) z
6 ?; J2 q  A; Z+ ~$ e) h
" t9 {8 N( m& J' P& A. O: H* |( m3 K      1.大学及以上教育水平,电子类专业
7 s/ J! z9 ~% @4 g) {( ?1 q      2.熟悉数字集成电路前端设计与流程
' u2 e5 y' b( N- {& Z3 x0 v      3.有数字集成电路设计与验证经验
: L( l+ w" C* L4 @" y8 L$ z      4.团队合作精神

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發表於 2014-9-16 14:06:22 | 只看該作者
# m" U# }: D9 t  \+ v! M2 {公      司:A famous IC company
4 Y4 \/ `/ [, J" e" P9 q工作地点:上海: x( w$ a! B0 E7 s* g+ b5 R

& t, L% F- z" j岗位职责:  
2 ~4 i; Z' `  ?5 F, v4 j, P1、负责各种FPGA原型平台的搭建、调试与维护  # j! x  F: R, L6 G7 }2 f
2、根据项目需求,承担各种IP和SOC芯片的FPGA验证    |, e' o: F) w7 n# p( h6 J; K
3、设计芯片项目的原型平台,协助软件工程师完成底层驱动编写、系统移植等  ! N5 c& K) @0 x: A; a! Z% y; N; m

# K" U4 L2 e9 a3 X职位要求:  8 O& |$ M/ d* d2 R
1.大学本科及以上学历,电子、通信、计算机或微电子专业;  , E/ Q3 y5 y' j, L: {# a& [
; H2 L7 j. J6 P0 H; |6 e. ?2 p% y# H3.有一定的嵌入式软件开发和板级硬件电路设计基础;  
. a. g2 w/ c2 E* {( n7 W- g4.1~2年的FPGA相关工作经验;  % a- T7 E) U) I1 M
5.具有较强的学习能力、沟通能力和良好的团队合作精神;  4 j* Z6 |- Z9 c2 v

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發表於 2014-10-2 10:55:07 | 只看該作者

Xilinx與中興大學成立聯合實驗室 啟用揭牌

& J2 @/ d) ]: |; m" P8 g' f" j, |中興大學電機系與美國晶片設計大廠賽靈思(Xilinx)公司9月22日合作成立「Xilinx中興大學電機系孟堯晶片中心聯合實驗室」,由興大校長長李德財(左3)、美商賽靈思台灣區總經理王漢傑(右3)、一元素科技董事長吳志偉(右2)共同揭牌啟用。! ]8 p; V9 _: ?/ ?% J

& u/ u/ J, K7 t- L' Z(20141001 18:32:56)國立中興大學電機系與美國晶片設計大廠賽靈思(Xilinx)公司合作成立聯合實驗室,9月22日下午由興大校長長李德財、美商賽靈思台灣區總經理王漢傑、一元素科技公司董事長吳志偉,共同為「Xilinx/中興大學電機系孟堯晶片中心聯合實驗室」啟用揭牌,興大工學院院長薛富盛、興大電機系主任歐陽彥杰與興大孟堯晶片中心主任賴永康以及多位貴賓、師生皆出席與會,期許為國內培育IC設計人才。


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發表於 2014-10-2 10:55:11 | 只看該作者
興大表示,全球可編程邏輯解決方案領導廠商賽靈思公司及一元素科技股份有限公司,為提升國內電機工程教育與人才培訓,強化產學合作,由賽靈思公司贈與興大電機系價值千萬的FPGA開發系統,由一元素科技提供實驗室教學必要之技術支援與諮詢,為國內產業培育創意前瞻的IC設計人才。) a, R8 s/ ?- v7 H: U
) x. h* o6 `& U/ z/ G
6 K2 W" y6 x% u0 T- S  M' a6 {" Y$ Q2 _
中興大學電機系孟堯晶片中心是中台灣地區唯一的大學晶片設計中心,積極進行晶片設計研究及人才培育,並獲得許多新竹科學園區產業界青睞,並與電子科技公司進行建教合作計畫,投入各項晶片開發設計工作。此外,孟堯晶片中心長期與國研院國家晶片系統(CIC)中心合作,因此在寒、暑假時,會有國家晶片系統中心多門的訓練課程在此開設,方便中部地區的學子能就近的上課。孟堯晶片中心提供優良環境,加上電機系師生共同致力於各類晶片的設計與研究,中興大學的晶片設計技術日益精進,因此常有國內外學者、學生至本中心進行參訪以及學術上的交流。3 J  i+ [3 n$ `
) W' W1 q9 v% i( O& R$ [6 X( P) l
8 _: T: u; B, t6 u5 i, q
) V: B: v, X& l$ e訊息來源:國立中興大學

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發表於 2015-8-9 09:20:05 | 只看該作者
FPGA for prototype verification only.  After that, IC will follow.

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