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[市場探討] 2012 ADOC交流會(ADOC Workshop) 數位落差轉化數位機會 為經濟復甦提供動能

發表於 2012-7-10 10:24:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發布單位 國際貿易局   發布日期  2012-07-09 下午 04:48
' N- J9 V4 u# ~7 a' Q) A" m( M; W! P# i2 R) ]9 X( G# _) G
時    間:2012年7月10日至11日
# X* M  x) f6 T2 E* w0 V" S地    點:7月10日上午9時至下午5時30分:外交人員講習所 (台北市敦化南路一段280號)
/ q9 L+ I- a# t7 o- n            7月11日上午9時至中午12時:台北國際會議中心201會議室 (台北市信義區信義路五段1號)
4 y, d& ~% i6 \  q7 }& K; c主辦單位:外交部、經建會及經濟部國際貿易局1 ?0 d6 t* O* ~4 }- N* U# J! D, {
6 C7 O1 S* n6 ?' O( @: Z% U
: r. P1 z3 D6 J' }  V- w: C「2012 ADOC交流會(2012 ADOC Workshop)」將於7月10日至11日舉行,邀請現任秘魯APEC資深官員Juan Carlos Capuñay大使、各國專家學者、來自APEC 13個會員體之官方代表、國內相關領域之學者專家及本計畫之民間合作夥伴如宏碁、華碩、慈濟、中華電信、漢光教育基金會等代表共同參與本次活動,針對各國數位政策發展進行交流。
1 [7 S0 s6 X. ]) a/ _: _: O9 z7 S* f1 R, g) B0 B) b) B
5 Y: \& i, H0 F# v4 ^+ Q
& B, R6 s$ u0 l3 |* W為協助縮短亞太區數位落差,我國在APEC各合作會員體的支持下於2004年8月啟動APEC數位機會中心(ADOC)計畫, 2005年第一處數位機會中心在秘魯Capuñay大使見證下成立。截至本年6月, ADOC計畫已在10個合作會員體共設立97處中心,並培訓超過34萬人次。今年年底將完成籌設之第100處中心為ADOC計畫重要的里程碑,並象徵著本計畫對APEC地區縮短數位落差所做出的具體貢獻。
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發表於 2013-12-26 09:55:03 | 只看該作者
華碩文教基金會與資策會合作 捐贈150台平板電腦協助縮短國際數位落差
% f, m3 k0 n$ f7 m) K! a8 u! t, @% a
" `: M/ s) n# O1 K3 Y' m' X資策會國際處與華碩文教基金會12月10日共同辦理平板電腦捐贈活動;圖為貴賓合影,左起為:印尼菩提心曼荼羅基金會顧問黃幸娟、秘魯台商會顧問林碧雀、菲律賓關愛基金會理事周昆緯、資策會副執行長龔仁文、華碩文教基金會總幹事李文玲及資策會國際處處長蕭美麗。
3 T, f+ e7 ^$ e# z
4 |# W+ D& c9 W' _(20131225 18:02:15)12月10日財團法人資訊工業策進會(資策會)與華碩文教基金會共同辦理平板電腦捐贈活動。捐贈活動由資策會龔仁文副執行長主持,與會來賓計有華碩文教基金會總幹事李文玲、印尼菩提心曼荼羅基金會顧問黃幸娟、菲律賓關愛基金會理事周昆緯、秘魯台商會顧問林碧雀等。本次活動華碩電腦共捐贈出150台平板電腦將於印尼、菲律賓、秘魯及馬來西亞等四國成立數位圖書館進而推廣漢字文化、數位學習等,協助海外數位弱勢地區及家庭縮短數位落差。. R% O  m# x( H  h" q4 \) C

) T! {3 G' D9 q, w9 [4 s( @在資通訊科技高速發展的今日,若國家處於數位弱勢,對國家的競爭力將產生重大影響,華碩期許能夠拋磚引玉、帶領企業投入回饋社會的服務項目,讓更多民眾擁有便利、幸福的生活環境。本批捐贈之平板電腦,ADOC計畫將與印尼菩提心基金會、菲律賓關愛基金會、馬來西亞北方大學及秘魯台商協會合作,在偏鄉地區成立數位閱覽室,協助偏鄉居民、學童及中小企業縮短數位落差。( U0 [. D# F9 V+ `; S* v* j3 j
* r) j' o& q2 f6 `
華碩文教基金會長期致力於國、內外縮短數位落差,自2009年起與資策會合作,透過ADOC計畫捐贈電腦設備、成立數位中心,並結合政府、民間單位及學校社團共同籌組與培訓資訊志工團等實際行動,積極回饋社會。截至目前已累積捐贈電腦超過430台、成立數位機會中心超過27 處。3 ?3 E% ^4 o1 K; `  o

% H. m3 d! Y+ ~+ f8 d9 b訊息來源:財團法人資訊工業策進會


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-10 10:31:46 | 只看該作者
Concluding Session Moderator: Dr. Gary Gong Executive Vice President, Institute for Information Industry
11:30-11:40 (10 mins) Developing ICT Capacity for Disadvantaged Groups Presented by Dr. Erwin Alampay, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines
11:40-11:50 (10 mins) ICT Enabled Services Creating Digital Opportunities Presented by Dr. John Ure, Executive Director, Asia Internet Coalition
11:50-12:00 (10 mins) Expansion of Services through Enhanced Mobility Presented by Dr. Roger Harris, Independent Consultant for Roger Harris Associates
12:00-12:05 (5 mins) Wrap-up Dr. Gary Gong, Executive Vice President, Institute for Information Industry

 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-10 10:30:50 | 只看該作者
Day 2: July 11th (Wednesday), 9:30-12:00 # M3 ]4 }' E+ ?8 T
Venue: Room 201, Taipei International Conventional Center, 2F (Room 201), 1 Hsin-Yi Rd. Sec.5 Taipei! T# k1 L" i1 i4 G, |; ^- g- c

0 ~* B$ B7 |) V  S/ K
Concurrent Sessions: From Digital Divides to Opportunity Creation
GROUP Group 1: Developing ICT Capacity for Disadvantaged Groups Group 2:ICT Enabled Services Creating Digital Opportunities Group 3:Expansion of Services through Enhanced Mobility
# R. F& h, P  F) l(80 mins)
Moderator: Dr. Erwin Alampay Associate Professor, University of the Philippines Presenters: (Max. 10mins for each) 1.
6 R! x% t& X  @8 UPenalolen (Chile)
6 R: l: c7 z& W" c5 EVictory Potential Development Centre for the Disabled (Chinese Taipei)
+ S: L2 [  b. o; D) |' uKDM (Indonesia)
4.% z4 `! Q1 A  }  c# ^1 H' _
1 s. j7 z: [4 }/ a0 m5 eLIBERTAD (Peru)
8 l# L  m& O' s  z9 l% k# K0 |ZOTO (the Philippines)
7.+ v8 v& E+ }4 t9 K: _+ [
World Vision (Vietnam)
Participant from PMEs Government Officers: 1.
. d; R- w/ h8 y8 f5 F3 [, tMexico
2.+ V9 N8 t5 J/ t0 y8 ~
Moderator: Dr. John Ure Executive Director, Asia Internet Coalition Presenters: (Max. 10 mins for each) 1.  `/ ^6 X1 O8 M- N3 U: p
Chung Yuan Christian University (Chinese Taipei)
2.9 W+ ^: r  [" Q0 G1 M; c. \
3." ^: ~, ^0 x% H/ ^" }( j' T
NCC (the Philippines)
: n6 e. O- D3 d" g. x7 h' x1 ^UPNG (PNG)
/ K! u3 b- ?* r, Y/ \YarCCI (Russia)
  O8 h4 c- Q( w) \VCCI (Vietnam)
Participant from PMEs Government Officers: 1.
& J9 i9 U3 ]0 M! K% w( [7 f6 J! PChile
2.# d* @. O! @" q+ F# S( n2 {! H
Moderator: Dr. Roger Harris Independent Consultant, Roger Harris Associates Presenters: (Max. 10 mins for each) 1.
% W6 Z9 s! Y: N' L$ L- H1 I0 D, AADOC 2.0 Non Gov. Project Office (Chinese Taipei)
2.7 p' A) h* P3 ^/ Q2 n
OIC (Indonesia)
3.# ~2 {; c1 N  J% o5 }' q- i% @/ N
ITSON (Mexico)
4.& A; B/ R. f0 _/ G+ ~( Z+ E. Q9 O
Child Hope (the Philippines)
5.  c. q$ H% D- |. a
CAS (Thailand)
Participant from PMEs Government Officers: 1.* G0 a, Y. p/ q* n  j" k/ ?
2 _$ ~' E$ S& h) T4 Y! \the Philippines
10:50-11:10 (20 mins) Wrap-up Wrap-up Wrap-up
11:10-11:30 (20 mins) Coffee Break

 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-10 10:29:19 | 只看該作者
Afternoon Session 1:
- C" s' E% U8 F* e7 d; mICT Development & Innovation Growth: Opportunities and Issues
5 ?, C; b% m4 F5 Y$ O  W) p- V7 D" q4 [2 e7 y' J7 {% B
" x3 _% P3 r# G% _' EDr. Roger Harris ! f, `2 w: H, \( z
Independent Consultant, Roger Harris Associates
# N0 Z8 ^6 ^1 @9 C2 m
$ `9 g+ X  Q" t; J; h(30 mins) 8 a! m. I6 N' O
“ICT Development & Innovation Growth: Opportunities and Issues”
2 V3 ^/ O5 }6 L& w2 dPresented by Dr. Roger Harris, Independent Consultant, Roger Harris Associates % r3 W' o3 S/ g
14:00-14:20   I7 J5 L# o4 j/ v/ R( C4 l, _! J& x3 K
(20 mins)
) C& R8 K% j$ g4 e
“Fostering Innovative Growth: A Business’ Perspective”
; f6 S& B% f, i3 \8 qPresented by Dr. Steven Lee, Supervisor, HTC Corp., and CEO, VIA Networking Technologies, Inc. 9 }  B+ r- F# `+ k+ B
14:20-14:40 ) {9 S0 q+ b: H  P2 a) c7 Y2 n
(20 mins)
' x1 N& }4 r* P
“Innovation Growth in Indonesia: ICT & Local Development” 5 e4 ]& Q" n" x+ V7 u! |
Presented by Dr.
. a. I; h* A9 dDarusman, Vice Rector, Syiah Kuala University

* _) r+ k" W1 T
14:40-15:10 2 s. X2 O1 E! a1 S; n4 X
(30 mins)
% W( e0 M/ `) L* [# o5 }
Panel Discussion & Wrap-up " k' L1 N4 L( T' Y
/ O7 Q7 `5 U' P+ ]1 K& I+ B(20 mins)
0 `( Z. j/ |5 w( p& h& @
Coffee Break ) R/ L) @" L. _( `, t1 V+ `
Afternoon Session 2:
: [+ h1 z1 h$ c7 \( w' iPublic-Private Partnership in Bridging the Digital Divide
; R- ?) f4 O/ g5 W* @
( \: w3 U% q" I& N; QModerator:
) W0 x' i, g! D+ V7 RDr. Idris Feltkamp Sulaiman - J7 c7 T, `- ]: B# M; h
Visiting Fellow, School of Computer Science, Australian National University 1 M& |$ T, c4 s
15:30-16:00   k5 W7 y' ]7 E7 L; q
( 30 mins)
8 I$ t) }4 ~. |/ d
“ICT-enablement, Energy and Sustainability Management-Engagement of the Public and Private Sectors in Bridging the Digital Divide”
) Y1 t' f( ~0 e3 h2 T( k9 _Presented by Dr. Idris Feltkamp Sulaiman, Visiting Fellow, School of Computer Science, Australian National University
! ?/ I% {) d# R+ ?$ M
" f+ g8 f0 X7 j/ W(20 mins)
: ]4 E# M* O7 W; ^
“Cases and Experiences: Public-Private Partnership in Bridging the Digital Divide”
3 c6 K) g  Q% O9 {! x" MPresented by Dr. Erwin Alampay, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines
$ O, b. i' [; h# O7 {: y( c3 Q
16:20-16:40 : g6 K2 V& C& g- V& }0 S
(20 mins) ' {  X8 I2 @$ v" r6 |" Z: }
“Opportunities and Challenges of ICT Development in Chinese Taipei: A Perspective of Social and Political Dimensions” 8 L( O4 B+ B8 |/ W
Presented by Dr. Shiuh-Shen Chien, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University % j1 ~2 K& o+ o9 q' [
# j( ~0 ~; M  s7 p(20 mins)
& X: u2 E' _1 F9 T- x  m
“ The Partnership of the Public and Private Sectors in Bridging Digital Divide:Experience Sharing by Chinese Taipei” 0 ]0 D2 y  N! l" y0 G9 E
Presented by Dr. Dennis Hu, Deputy Director General, ADOC 2.0 Project Non-Government Office
& a" F( s' w5 c# A
" c) V' h+ x6 r5 `* `. ^(30 mins) 3 ~( x9 P0 t9 g  i$ U
Panel Discussion & Wrap-up / y% H# K  R4 N) R" ?- E9 o
 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-10 10:26:04 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 tk02561 於 2012-7-10 10:27 AM 編輯
, t9 S& s6 U/ L' ?6 _! }9 K  _. n0 I& D) B5 T2 F0 O& d) n
Day 1: July 10th (Tuesday), 09:00-17:30 9 p6 F9 ]" f! |
Venue: International Conference Hall, Foreign Service Institute 2F, No. 280 DunHua South Road Sec.1, Taipei
' k" V7 N, f6 i( P: U+ e" O, S2 m+ s7 p2 L
$ p8 g' A" n& G$ I7 x/ x
1 x  i# `7 q3 K0 b7 h
' b9 |% N6 {1 q' l
2 w# M9 l; o# I+ y1 G
09:30-09:35 : X& l+ z$ G. x3 r' p0 F( y
Opening Remarks ( G: Y5 E: m' I- w
Mr. Shih-Chao Chou 4 A4 R5 W; k1 E* w) H4 }
Vice Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chinese Taipei
$ c# q5 r( Q+ v
09:35-09:40 & s/ {0 q! }$ |( z8 t6 Y0 F) M
" K' d! y8 K% `/ v2 ]Dr. Stan Shih, Chairman, ADOC Project Non-Government Steering Committee and Co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Acer Group ' s$ X4 \3 ~! o( P# q+ q& m/ d
09:40-09:45 : `- X/ q3 Q) ?3 n( c' G
Remarks - o/ I* k" ?( r
H.E. Juan Carlos Capuñay
( {9 v0 t7 ], v1 ]Ambassador, APEC Senior Official of Peru
0 F; b1 \) q$ d+ a7 k' l7 M
09:45-10:30 0 ?2 ~& n' d# D
“The Internet-Innovation, Data Flows and Markets”
5 K5 r4 G. R# xDr. John Ure
Executive Director, Asia Internet Coalition
, e$ L! N8 \3 ?" c
Coffee BreakGroup Photo for APEC Delegates and Invited Guests
11:00-11:45 . t6 l: E) c. M5 _) K# F! w$ |9 j
“Outlook of Chinese Taipei’s ICT Industry: Current Status and Development Strategies
; |; D4 D7 u& ?. u3 fMr. Sam ShenDirector, Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, Institute for Information Industry
11:45-12:00 & {2 \3 O/ ]  ~& K) }0 j8 ]. x- E, u
Q&A ( b- t: X: j4 `, b; o. r# P% ^
! |: u- z$ _* Z$ E8 b: l* e
/ _8 {8 g. i- C
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