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[市場探討] 中國三季度RFID市場整體規模環比上升8.6%

發表於 2007-11-27 10:42:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
世華財訊提供 2007 / 11 / 26 星期一 13:28 & W5 P1 i( u& O! z" M, u
+ m2 I) o) U# [6 C3 H- {
易觀國際報告顯示,中國RFID市場2007年第3季度整體規模環比上升8.6%,達到11.68億元,三季度,UHF頻段廠商遠望谷成功上市,帶動業界對於RFID產業的關注。 : R. r5 C% X  `
3 u5 Y6 p) I1 v9 R
, n, i! Z0 Z: x1 j& L% O4 O& B
4 G3 A7 i$ j( z9 m6 `3 k) a在UHF頻段的廠商排名中,遠望谷、先施和Intermec三個廠商的市場占有率總和下降為40%,市場集中度有所下降。第四季度,美國Alien科技將宣布在華辦事處正式成立,Alien加大對中國市場的投入,廠商格局可能出現變化。 4 j. Q7 }  i: I6 D; I; I9 D" H2 m

' P8 ^8 m0 V. z, r( Q/ r2 B東莞、佛山、南京、上海、山東等RFID產業基地園區相繼投入實施,政府開始從強制性RFID推廣項目的實施角色向著後台研發支援的角色轉變。各大科研院所以及大學也相繼投入RFID技術研究當中。但是需要注意的是,RFID技術需要在企業端受到重視才能得到較大規模的應用,因此,應注意將研究與實際應用相結合,可在研發的進行過程中轉載入廠商的支援配合。
- M' O& ^0 ~2 ]% U9 \7 G
$ ?* Y  L0 |, J2 o" l8 L將RFID技術與終端相結合的NFC技術在國內廠商中得到重視,但是研發力量有待於進一步加強。 " u; [5 z4 x- {% x/ n( D0 B
* \5 r$ S2 [7 H! e0 m
從用戶趨勢看,特奧會對於RFID技術的成旦磟I,為我國重大活動的綜合管理、安全保障等應用樹立了良好的案例標桿,在後續的大型運動會、展覽會等活動中,對於RFID技術以及將RFID技術與條碼等其他技術相整合使用的需求將緩步上升。 # S4 O& M( T: R# H

% N% M& z0 \8 y( w牲畜-食品安全隱患問題日益突出,但是由於政府部門的多頭管理,難於協同而推廣較為緩慢。奧運食品安全體系的建立,為RFID動物識別應用創造了良好的基礎,LF以及HF頻段應用在動物識別方面將有所增長。
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發表於 2008-1-20 06:37:12 | 只看該作者


趙慶 來源:中國聯通 2008年01月17日 16:45  ( ^5 @6 y/ w' |4 H ... 0117_14270551.shtml
& P: K( _0 a1 b: ?( K5 G
# j5 V$ ?! {, m, n+ `4 H   
近兩年來,由於受以沃爾瑪為代表的大型零售商的推動,RFID技術在全球掀起陣陣熱潮,吸引了眾多廠商參與相關技術和晶片的研究、開發。目前RFID技術正處於迅速上升的時期,該技術被業界公認為是本世紀最有前途的應用技術之一,許多國家都將RFID作為一項重要產業予以積極推動。 0 r3 O1 G( J  b3 [
8 o/ D; w! O9 M% @
, f, h. }+ Q% q+ L5 K+ e$ k$ b* ~, E; i' V. S# m. X
    射頻識別技術RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)是自動識別技術的一種,即通過無線射頻方式進行非接觸雙向數據通信,對目標進行識別。一個典型的RFID系統一般由 RFID標簽、讀寫器以及電腦系統等部分組成。其中RFID標簽中一般保存有約定格式的編碼數據,用來唯一標明標簽所附著的物體。與傳統的識別方式相比,RFID技術不用直接接觸、光學可視、人工干預即可完成資訊輸入和處理,且操作方便快捷,能夠廣泛應用於生產、物流、交通、運輸、醫療、防偽、跟蹤、設備和資產管理等要收集和處理數據的應用領域,並被認為是條碼標簽的未來替代品。
2 d9 i8 E! F' m& e/ o; F) ^8 M0 o9 z
! ?% _! Z) z9 v, A3 l% ]0 O9 r" k* V8 x5 y( ]$ `1 V/ A  p
    RFID技術的發展最早可以追溯至第二次世界大戰時期,那時它被用來在空中作戰行動中進行敵我識別。從歷史上看, RFID技術的發展基本可按10年期劃分為幾個階段(參見下表)。因此RFID並不是一個嶄新的技術。從分類上看,經過多年的發展,13.56MHz以下的RFID技術已相對成熟,目前業界最關注的是位於中高頻段的RFID技術,特別是860MHz∼960MHz(UHF頻段)的遠距離RFID技術發展最快;而2.45GHz和5.8GHz頻段由於產品擁擠、易受干擾、技術相對複雜,其相關的研究和應用仍處於探索的階段。
: e5 o7 j2 L( f  y+ `5 S+ J; w! d: G1 M2 `* `& B( ~
% R4 a# [) W7 n0 D0 l- ]9 ~: b7 Y) |
1 g9 ?' e& H  h2 R- d5 d  x  `    從全球來看,美國已經在RFID標準的建立,相關軟硬體技術的開發、應用領域走在世界的前列。歐洲RFID標準追隨美國主導的EPCglobal標準。在封閉系統應用方面,歐洲與美國基本處在同一階段。日本雖然已經提出UID標準,但主要得到的是本國廠商的支援,如要成為國際標準還有很長的路要走。南韓政府對RFID給予了高度重視,但至今南韓在RFID標準方面仍模糊不清。
5 D  g+ a% l. ]) O
/ a6 v" _7 V% I- s1 y    ★美國 : }& S& K- u2 V2 B4 K

8 w+ L! N0 G3 s    在產業方面,TI、Intel等美國積體電路廠商目前都在RFID領域投入鉅資進行晶片開發。Symbol等已經研發出同時可以閱讀條碼和RFID的掃描器。IBM、微軟和HP等也在積極開發相應的軟體及系統來支援RFID的應用。目前,美國的交通、車輛管理、身份識別、生產線自動化控制、倉儲管理及物資跟蹤等領域已經開始應用RFID技術。在物流方面,美國已有100多家企業承諾支援RFID應用,其中包括:零售商沃爾瑪,製造商吉列、強生、寶潔,物流行業的聯合包裹服務公司以及國防部的物流應用等。 . w. G( {; K  v5 Y$ a9 Q! W# g/ W
1 U6 B  T# n. W6 Z
    值得注意的是,美國政府是RFID應用的積極推動者。按照美國防部的合同規定,2004年10月1日或者2005年1月 1日以後,所有軍需物資都要使用RFID標簽;美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)建議制藥商從2006年起利用RFID跟蹤最常造假的藥品;美國社會福利局(SSA)于2005年年初正式使用RFID技術追蹤SSA各種表格和手冊。 ' p  i3 b# {& r& H- X! S7 H) j3 T
. f+ b% v& |8 D+ |' r# F
* e% m3 \, @1 n1 q: \& x& [* R+ d, A$ ~8 h! @1 v/ K- g4 V4 N5 _
    在產業方面,歐洲的Philips、STMicroelectronics在積極開發廉價RFID晶片; Checkpoint在開發支援多系統的RFID識別系統;諾基亞在開發能夠基於RFID的移動電話購物系統;SAP則在積極開發支援RFID的企業應用管理軟體。在應用方面,歐洲在交通、身份識別、生產線自動化控制、物資跟蹤等封閉系統與美國基本處在同一階段。目前,歐洲許多大型企業紛紛進行RFID的應用實驗。例如,英國的零售企業Tesco最早于2003年9月結束了第一階段試驗。試驗由該公司的物流中心和英國的兩家商店進行,試驗主要對物流中心和兩家商店之間的包裝盒及貨盤的流通路徑進行追蹤,使用的是915MHz頻帶。 : K0 o& l/ T! L1 k8 u: l  h" X

! k6 K, J. J& }    ★日本
0 S; i, u/ D, I4 Y! ]8 [& S; {3 O6 A! Y+ c, B+ O  b' V
    日本是一個製造業強國,它在電子標簽研究領域起步較早,政府也將RFID作為一項關鍵的技術來發展。MPHPT在2004年3月發佈了針對RFID的《關於在傳感網路時代運用先進的 RFID技術的最終研究草案報告》。報告稱,MPHPT將繼續支援測試在UHF頻段的被動及主動的電子標簽技術,並在此基礎上進一步討論管制的問題; 2004年7月,日本經濟產業省METI選擇了包括消費電子、書籍、服裝、音樂CD、建築機械、制藥和物流在內的七大產業進行RFID應用試驗。從近來日本RFID動態來看,與行業應用相結合的基於RFID技術的產品和解決方案開始集中出現,這為2005年RFID在日本應用的推廣,特別是在物流等非製造領域的推廣,奠定了堅實的基礎。
$ a% j) X: {  a2 U0 G5 A; x2 j" L; ?/ D( H
9 |8 H! ^# R- s1 h6 q  q" ~( H( K5 S0 G4 e( @; U" q5 _
    南韓主要通過國家的發展計劃,再聯合企業的力量來推動RFID的發展,即主要是由產業資源部和情報通信部來推動RFID的發展計劃。特別值得注意的是,2004年3月南韓提出IT839計劃以來,RFID的重要性得到了進一步加強。雖然目前南韓在RFID的開發和應用領域乏善可陳,但在南韓政府的高度重視下,南韓關於RFID的技術開發和應用試驗正在快速開展。同日本類似,南韓也出現了將RFID引入開放系統的趨勢。 2005年3月,南韓政府耗資7.84億美元在仁川新建技術中心,主要從事電子標簽技術包括RFID的研發及生產,以幫助南韓企業快速確立在全球RFID市場的主流地位。該中心的建設將在2007年前完成,RFID標簽和感測器將在2008年批量出貨。
, }- j* j8 r+ M( M" m& p% k$ q% R( a* J0 ^) O& T' B6 W
    RFID市場前景展望 2 u( H" e$ K2 G6 J9 y* N" {

2 U+ ?0 P; u$ n4 `$ o# M- h; e% {    隨著RFID技術的發展演進以及成本的降低,未來幾年內,全球開放的市場將為RFID帶來巨大的商機。
' ^% d2 W5 H6 b) N. q: x  t. T# X8 [- W
    據F&S公司預測,到2009年,全球RFID市場將從2003年的20億美元猛增到100億美元。該公司將這個市場分為四大類應用:門禁控制、資產管理、供應鏈管理和交通運輸,此外,還有其他類的應用,包括運動和醫療衛生。該公司的分析認為,僅安全類的應用將佔到全球 100億美元份額中的30億美元市場,而供應鏈的需求量屆時會達到40億美元。 ! Z, [9 R2 D* u0 V: I; w" F
# K2 s+ P, m0 \% y9 R. p% l
發表於 2008-1-20 06:39:04 | 只看該作者

Report: Global RFID Market Hit $5 Billion in 2007

By Evan Schuman 2008-01-18 + J* D* H3 [3 m& F2 o( [2 K ... -5-Billion-in-2007/4 W% o0 O0 w) i  h6 j
* ^1 z% F7 E) O2 _# R# v" B0 Q
Much of the growth was fueled by a massive $2 billion investment in China's national ID card program.: R1 |! o% x$ {# c* t

; Y% |( @' E8 aRFID sales around the world hit $5 billion in 2007, a figure significantly pushed by a $2 billion investment in China's chipped national ID card, according to a report from U.K.-based RFID analysis firm IDTechEx.
- R. \" s0 `$ L8 M
; e4 w( G  f! n, j8 A* [: c/ OThe Chinese national ID card program "made China the biggest RFID market, but if we peel that away, we see the USA as the biggest market," IDTechEx CEO Raghu Das said in the report, released the week of Jan. 14.
: e. k' H1 W& k5 x; }
/ b( v. l4 r2 g1 wDas said China's RFID numbers are projected to stay high, even though much of the ID investment is now past.
6 |* K& ^( @* B; I" S0 q, Z8 \8 I2 X
"This tells us that there are a vast number of new RFID projects in China that will take up the slack now that the glory days of the national ID card are over. They are hugely varied from pigs to mail bags and the prospect of having to tag 150 million pet dogs and 2.4 billion pigs yearly by law. Maybe the 37.5 billion cigarette packets produced every year will be RFID tagged," he said.
+ [; p; C, t9 r3 ~
9 v0 x. e( w( zThe new figures show strength in RFID activity that is truly global, with the report finding 509 new RFID projects last year, bringing the examined RFID efforts to 3,096 projects in 101 countries involving 4,231 organizations.! [4 e( x  q, x8 v! w

7 F+ i( K! P6 \% ^  j"Those newly recorded projects represented 20 percent growth in the size of the database, reflecting the rapid growth of the market way beyond the Chinese ID card," Das said. "We could have added more than 500 more consumer goods companies mandated by retailers to tag pallets and cases but that would be living a lie because most of these are doing little or nothing in the face of the huge financial cost and lack of payback if they comply. Their usage averaged less than 300,000 tags each and those were purchased at prices nearer to ten cents than the $5 of passport tags and $50 or more for most active tags."
% {+ ~& Z% u1 S) p# ]# d
. q$ \5 j: W, C" ]7 QThe study also found the more expensive and more sophisticated active tags faring quite well. "A remarkable 32 percent of projects added in 2007 involved active RFID, taking the cumulative figure to 22 percent," Das said. "Little wonder that more than 20 percent of both RFID fund raisings and RFID acquisitions in 2007 involved companies somewhere in the active RFID value chain."
* {4 g7 l$ y7 f* h. j% X3 C# q% }  {5 X
Retail Center Editor Evan Schuman can be reached at
2 k+ w/ I$ _: }" d; d/ T8 B6 r$ m+ q- z+ |$ W% F, o' p
Check out's Retail Center for the latest news, views and analysis on technology's impact on retail.
發表於 2008-1-28 08:05:26 | 只看該作者

Highlights from IDTechEx's Review of RFID in 2007

Highlights from IDTechEx's Review of RFID in 2007
: U2 e6 _( U: l4 c- R6 L  H2 C9 U( g$ s! a
Research firm
IDTechEx recently published a list of observations about RFID market development in 2007. Many of the statistics are based on the number of projects added last year to the company's RFID Knowledgebase, a growing collection of RFID deployment case studies and announcements from around the world. Following are selected highlights:
  • The total worldwide RFID market reached $5 billion in 2007, a figure that includes the cost not just of tags and readers, but of all hardware and software.
  • While $5 billion may be an impressive figure, $2 billion of it was due to the national ID program in China, which caused a surge that will subside now that the purchases have largely been made. Another consequence of the ID program is that it made China the largest RFID market in the world. Second largest was the US, which will likely move to first as the Chinese spend on RFID returns to normalized levels.
  • Despite the waning national ID program, IDTechEx views the Chinese market as a robust one. "There are a vast number of new RFID projects in China that will take up the slack now that the glory days of the national ID card are over," reads the analysis. "They are hugely varied from people and construction materials to mail bags and the prospect of having to tag 150 million pet dogs and 2.4 billion pigs yearly by law."
  • Based on 2007 additions to its knowledge base, IDTechEx calculates that the top ten national markets by number of projects (not revenues) were, from largest to smallest: the US, the UK, China, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, the Netherlands, Korea, and Canada.
  • Using a similar analysis, IDTechEx calculates that Financial, Security, and Safety was the largest RFID application category in terms of number of projects. Worldwide growth in e-passports and contactless credit cards were largely to thank for the category's dominance, which was also helped along by RFID tickets and access cards. All told, the category accounted for nearly a fifth of the new RFID applications that went online in 2007. Passenger Transport, Automotive came in second, with 13% of the total. Healthcare saw a bump from 2006. It still represents less than 10% of the total, "but it is clearly becoming increasingly important."
  • Projects that involve the tagging of people grew to 11% of the total in 2007, which suggests that despite bad press and pushback from privacy advocates, human-tagging applications that demonstrate clear safety and security benefits are gaining in popularity. "It may not please the privacy advocates but [RFID] allowed nurses to radio their precise location when they were being assaulted, mother-baby mismatches and baby theft to be reduced, pedophiles to be controlled, prisoner escapes prevented and severe diabetics getting correct treatment before they died in the street," writes IDTechEx. "Should we be ashamed of that?"
  • Active RFID's widely reported adoption growth was also in evidence. Just under a third of all new projects documented by IDTechEx in 2007 -- and now more than a fifth of all projects on record -- involved active RFID technology. IDTechEx also notes how much of the investment and M&A activity in 2007 involved active RFID companies. (RFID Update recorded $165.2 million across 13 deals over the 18 months ending in December, more than any other segment. See RFID & RTLS Sees $433M Invested Over Last 18 Months.)
  • IDTechEx foresees the national ID card in the UK as the largest impending RFID project, which will cost an initial $10 billion but could rise to triple that.
  • High frequency, an older and less "sexy" sector of the RFID market, is not only the leading RFID frequency by number of projects, it is still growing. While many deem the HF market mature and relatively staid, IDTechEx argues the contrary. For one thing, many of the world's largest deployments, like national ID cards, use HF. For another, significant advancements are still occurring in the technology. So bullish is the company on HF, it recently published a report examining the market entitled HF RFID - the Great Leap Forward.
  • The research firm gave high marks to the passive RFID and WiFi RTLS vendor communities for pushing their agendas and being assertive marketers. Vendors from other segments of the RFID market, notably HF, were quiet and modest by comparison. "The passive UHF and WiFi RTLS people publicise even the smallest orders, drive standards (tires, pallets, cases, baggage, etc.) and constantly penetrate even the most obscure applications in far away places," IDTechEx observes. "In general, this is to be commended, and those promoting products at HF and other frequencies could learn from it."
3 y2 Y# R9 X4 x" X' r

# v: ~5 \9 O. E3 h+ E2 i
Read the complete article from IDTechEx
發表於 2008-2-4 08:45:57 | 只看該作者
2008年RFID技術將繼續用於國土安全保護; {2 r5 {+ s+ a9 x2 \, t
賽迪網 - Beijing,China: b4 S+ w" O1 |: w, h( o+ y# u
( M6 p9 U7 ]4 O6 b9 S. F+ u8 i) _
在2007年,RFID行業齊心協力向供應鏈之外的其他領域努力發展RFID應用,為消費者提供更多的RFID技術所能帶來的利益。體育界、醫療業、玩具製造業和食品加工業紛紛採用RFID技術來確保產品品質和安全。如體育賽事的門票驗證,其中2008年北京奧林匹克賽事也將採用RFID電子 ...
發表於 2008-2-17 10:10:43 | 只看該作者

Thailand unveils five-year RFID roadmap

By Sasiwimon Boonruang, Bangkok Post Friday, February 15, 2008 11:40 AM
5 R! h- @2 v! u. A2 Y,39044192,62037858,00.htm
* r& i# {+ @6 G* N  }! _
4 }) ?' v" G* N/ }+ C! P" MThe National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec) has rolled out a five-year radio frequency identification (RFID) technology roadmap to promote the local RFID industry and to serve potential business sectors. & v3 {: e( P( a; H( x3 X8 h; G" i% ?
3 S9 o5 O' S) `4 `9 {9 O$ |( ]
The five-year roadmap (from 2008 to 2012) focuses on RFID use in Thailand for tracking animals and food, logistics, transportation and in the financial sector.
: H2 K; B2 e8 a( d4 }! p: n
! m2 ?# b$ k- e9 NBetween 2007 and 2008, RFID applications in Thailand have been used for access control and for animal tracking, according to Nectec's research team. The technology will be expanded to cover supply chain management and logistics, as well as industrial and manufacturing automation. In the near future, RFID in Thailand is expected to be used in the transportation, financial and healthcare sectors. ! U; P, j/ A! T, J

; M) \9 C; g9 P; E8 rNectec noted that the basic technologies where development should be accelerated in the short term included wireless, embedded systems, micro controllers, microwave, multi-readers and software, such as databases, as well as developing an RFID knowledge base.   f4 D8 r  b" l1 U, T

% O" y# J: Z2 W+ g$ s4 nCurrently, companies here that use logistics RFID applications include Western Digital (Thailand), PTT and SCG Logistics Management. However, no company is running RFID actively for wholesale and retail as they are studying the return on their investment.
# p9 K6 R9 }( Q* w1 J: W
) v, I: G2 j, ]! o: {RFID technology, meanwhile, has been used for electronic toll collection using dedicated short range communications. ' V  n. c, q% V" K! b

, @3 F# z% A4 d6 u# |2 A' qThe first-stage expressway has run an active tag system at 2.4GHz and expects that over the next two years, it will transfer to a passive tag system at 5.8GHz and would expand this to the second stage expressway.
, S: O' b; |' N, F2 ^- G
+ e% @" g4 U" u+ L' `1 P5 i4 r# GIn the future, RFID will be used in transportation for such applications as advanced traveler information, near-field communications and for non-transit payments.
  O, L5 {6 v( _9 `2 F8 s& d3 q1 j2 \' g6 |0 h; `; O% t
Phaophak Siriruk, adviser for Nectec's roadmap development project, said the goals of the five-year roadmap include having more RFID use in animal tracking and food traceability for export within three years, more RFID use in logistics and supply chains within five years, to have at least an additional 10 projects involving RFID R&D and to have a bigger proportion of local RFID products and services. & i) I; V0 ?+ n; F! o5 L

. F& z' s7 ^5 H  SCiting a report made by technology market researchers VDC, Drew Nathason, from the company's RFID practice, said that in 2008, RFID would grow to be worth over US$5 billion (157 billion baht) worldwide by 2008. The market's compound annual growth rate was estimated to be approximately 34 percent, of which software and services have the highest growth. The total services market by 2008 is over US$2 billion (62.7 billion baht).
發表於 2008-5-8 10:07:55 | 只看該作者
摩托羅拉和 Y3 Technologies 聯合為物流/供應鏈管理創新型企業葉水福集團開發 RFID 解決方案
/ o0 y$ U! U* }5 f6 i4 U三方合作建立行業標准,向亞洲推進成熟、頂尖的 RFID 技朮供應鏈解決方案
" \9 L0 |$ \- x: r: V7 e2 |. d6 _% S: x1 W8 h- x" X8 V
新加坡5月8日電 /新華美通/ --摩托羅拉 (Motorola) (NYSE: MOT) 與 Y3 Technologies 已經達成一項戰略聯盟,旨在讓物流和供應鏈管理客戶能夠通過無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Identification 簡稱 RFID)的最佳技朮來提高運營效率。該協議不僅利用了摩托羅拉開發創新型 RFID 技朮和產品的優勢,還發揚了 Y3 Technologies 在設計和實施先進供應鏈解決方案和應用方面的開拓經驗。
0 v( B$ W8 k3 i! b/ l7 U
) j( K) s$ Y& h& _4 a/ @. E為客戶產生的商業效益可能包括數據准確性的增強以及生產率的提高(高達30%的人力節省、遙遙領先的庫存縮減以及40%左右的物料輸送)。根據該協議,Y3 Technologies 將成為摩托羅拉的重要業務伙伴 (Premier Business Partner),促使雙方聯合為全亞洲的客戶開發度身定制解決方案。
  Z, ^  U" \5 [. T' T, `& Y/ p$ A( W# D  V, l- X0 @3 |
摩托羅拉亞太區企業無線和 RFID 事業部總監 John Cunningham 表示:“Y3 Technologies 在為供應鏈管理 (SCM) 客戶提供定制的 RFID 解決方案領域一直走在業界前列。因此,我們對能夠與 Y3 Technologies 攜手,共同為業務覆蓋亞太地區的葉水福集團 (YCH Group) 實施首次采用 RFID 產品的供應鏈感到十分高興。要想在如此規模的 RFID 項目的實施中取得成功,不僅要對應用開發和 RFID 的設計和實施具有戰略性的認知,還需要深入了解客戶的工作流程。”Cunningham 先生還說:“Y3 Technologies 與摩托羅拉二者的聯合具備所有這些條件,我們希望這將推動 RFID 在這個行業得到更廣泛的應用。”
& o$ P- T0 h. [- ~3 S  J5 @" R
) C) a) T/ F; w8 X" g* |摩托羅拉與 Y3 Technologies 的合作關系始于2004年,那時 Y3 Technologies 正在尋求最頂尖的 RFID 設備來推進其 RFID 解決方案。它們之間原本供應商與客戶的關系已演變成合作伙伴關系,Y3 Technologies 成為了摩托羅拉重要的合作商和反饋渠道,從而使與 RFID 相關的通信技朮不斷得以提升。這項戰略聯盟反映出雙方對不斷提升各自產品和服務的承諾,旨在讓他們的客戶都能利用由基于 RFID 的供應鏈解決方案帶來的更短上市時間。+ p# ]: t* C5 ^$ \
4 T) M' [+ S+ b" K- o9 z! f
Y3 Technologies 首席運營官 James Loo Wai Kheong 先生表示:“Y3 Technologies 致力于定制復雜的流程,使之能與客戶的后端系統進行無縫整合。這能極大增強我們客戶在其各自市場上的競爭優勢,幫助他們從同類行業中脫穎而出。我們與摩托羅拉達成的戰略伙伴關系將確保我們持有最新穎、最先進的 RFID 工具和完備的基礎設施,從而為物流和供應鏈管理行業實施最佳等級的 RFID。”
: P  b7 ?: \6 @$ \0 S4 d; O
7 z1 |; Y3 l& i, }* m自2004年以來,Y3 Technologies 就已經開始部署其創新型 RFID 解決方案。該公司為亞洲領先的供應鏈公司葉水福集團實施了首項生產級 RFID倉儲管理項目,簡化了其操作流程并改善了保稅倉庫供應鏈的透明度。上個月,葉水福集團還宣布正通過 Y3 Technologies 部署帶有摩托羅拉 RFID 讀卡器和 Wi-Fi(無線保真)基礎設施的解決方案,在中國上海的臨港物流園建立首座具有 RFID 功能的倉庫。$ d; |9 e' X; I$ C& k2 c
0 m2 D( r1 w" L6 p/ i# \3 X5 z
葉水福集團董事長兼首席執行官 Robert Yap 博士表示:“RFID 是一項對物流業大有裨益的技朮,只有 RFID 才能真正實現物料流和信息流的一體化。今天,我們的許多跨國公司 (MNC) 客戶都知道,為了讓我們能夠為他們提供真正實時的供應鏈,這需要我們實施創新型 RFID 解決方案,以方便進行實時跟蹤并提供他們所需的端到端供應鏈的透明度。”
, h/ R( H, D6 S, `3 b6 p8 f+ P
( u7 K' [% ]) J5 F3 Q+ {Yap 博士補充說:“葉水福集團堅定不移地致力于采用 RFID 技朮來改善我們的以及客戶的運營。過去的四年里,我們通過我們自己的內部項目積累了一定的經驗,并証明通過使用 RFID 能夠帶來實質性的商業利益。如今,這項技朮成熟程度已經適合,并且這個地區的大多數國家都已經建立起 RFID 標准。我們已准備就緒,將向我們所有經營部門部署這項技朮。”4 l. `& C! C2 A' v
) y  Z8 q1 D# b
Y3 Technologies 簡介
. V5 J1 W+ N' `" W( N) n- P" G; R7 m" ^9 c7 v  ~8 A% k$ ?! T+ ?
Y3 Technologies 是新加坡首屈一指的供應鏈管理解決方案提供商,其業務遍布亞太平洋區域。此公司旨在為企業界提供全面的供應鏈產品及咨詢服務,進一步提升企業界在對外協調客戶和供貨商之際的效率。Y3 Technologies 在鞏固和簡化跨國公司中的供應鏈和網絡方面擁有超過25年的經驗,并將其專業技朮應用于4個曾經榮獲端到端軟件配置管理 (SCM) 獎項的 Intributor(R)、Intrabutor(R)、Retrogistics(R) 以及 Virtual Hub(TM) 軟件。客戶們能夠通過選擇單獨或一起使用這些可以進行調整的端到端軟件方案,來管理生產線資源的物流、制成品的分銷流程以及供應鏈的客戶售后服務。Y3 Technologies的客戶群包括亞太釀酒、Aerolog Express、百特醫療用品、菲士蘭食品、新加坡衛生科學局、新加坡安微尼亞醫院、摩托羅拉、新加坡國立健保集團、先靈葆雅、新加坡信息通信發展局、新加坡電信有限公司、東芝(亞太區域)、聯合利華、維佳物流有限公司以及葉水福集團。欲知更多詳情,請瀏覽該公司網站
& z' `9 @7 A; o1 ]. `- h$ t3 H) Q; ?# X% E3 b! h
3 B" a' o; B! S$ ?9 s- ]1 y8 y' Z/ R$ m8 o
葉水福集團 (YCH Group) 成立于1955年,是多家世界大型企業的整合端到端供應鏈管理及物流服務伙伴,其客戶包括戴爾、摩托羅拉、美國旭電公司、佳能、汽巴精化、Dystar、Solutia、Moet-Hennessy及 Frisian Foods。葉水福集團屢獲殊榮的創新型端到端供應鏈解決方案組合采用了先進的 web 技朮,為消費品、電子、化工、保健等各類行業提供出類拔萃的方案,協助其增強競爭優勢。葉水福集團總部設在新加坡,業務遍及整個亞太地區,包括新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、印度尼西亞、菲律賓、香港、澳大利亞、中國大陸、印度、韓國、日本及越南。( ?6 F9 x4 ]  j* G5 a3 n. @0 H0 L

5 ]& L  t# {1 B, J- S9 T+ b6 m葉水福集團的革新成果受到了業界的肯定,其 7PL(TM) 方針能把供應鏈戰略與無縫執行力結合起來,有助供應鏈管理行業取得成功。葉水福集團曾獲得的行業榮譽包括新加坡國家 IT 大獎、新加坡國家培訓大獎、“Intelligent Enterprise Asia”年度20家智能企業之一、新加坡計算機協會授予其 IT 領導者的榮譽,還被 Lloyd’s FTB 評為亞洲物流榮譽殿堂成員。除了獲得了新加坡國家培訓大獎及企業人力資源大獎外,葉水福集團還通過了 ISO 9002、EMS 14001、OHSAS 18001 認証,并成為新加坡優質企業的一員。2004年10月,葉水福集團還榮獲了新加坡國家資訊通信獎、并在2005年10月贏得新加坡創新大獎。最近,葉水福集團還因成為新加坡最佳國內分層服務供貨商及最佳信息科技/電子分層服務供貨商而獲頒享譽全球的 Frost & Sullivan 亞細安4項物流大獎,并在2007年度供應鏈亞洲活動上獲頒年度亞洲第三方物流獎。欲知更多詳情,請訪問
發表於 2008-5-21 15:20:26 | 只看該作者
RFID to become a $9.7 Billion Industry within Five Years, According to ABI Research
! N  j0 c) M, s1 G
! d9 d+ [/ m7 ONEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--New forecasts released by ABI Research indicate that the total RFID market will turn over approximately $9.7 billion by 2013, representing roughly a 15% compound annual growth rate for the period from 2008.
# F. L" N5 G% w) ]2 H
2 O* o5 n7 k& V2 x7 ~) l2 X“These figures highlight an RFID market that is growing robustly,” says research director Michael Liard. “Across all product categories and flavors of RFID technology, market trends continue to be positive. We saw a strong finish to 2007, which continued into a healthy 1Q 2008.”
$ B( y, Q+ l7 J/ h' X) a4 _- b
1 _) t& m; L" cPart of this gratifying performance comes from several long-term RFID commitments and investments by large end-users. This is particularly true in the passive UHF segment. European aerospace manufacturer Airbus recently announced a significant commitment to RFID technology for numerous projects throughout its supply chain and assembly operations. In January, Sam’s Club announced its RFID customer compliance program for retail CPG manufacturers in the US, while in Europe and Asia, Metro AG is interested in RFID supply chain applications. And, most recently, the US Department of Defense announced a new RFP for passive UHF solution components.
+ F/ r5 S9 b6 P4 f  w# x2 D
) r1 A, Y) J1 M# vThese examples represent different vertical markets, and to them, says Liard, we can add the enthusiasm for RFID shown by energy and utilities, healthcare, and transportation (for asset management) as well as the fashion apparel and footwear sector (for item-level tagging), particularly among specialty retailers. All these demonstrate RFID’s strength across a number of industries.
+ B5 C& v. O- z( a  `4 ^
4 _5 w8 |4 g, s3 q2 Z6 VClosed-loop applications continue to lead the charge, with asset management in the forefront: library/rental items, reusable/returnable containers, spare parts, tools, work-in-process, yard management and more are all popular arenas for RFID deployment. # M; `% _( w  H7 W3 ]5 `7 M
9 f2 P, c6 s7 {  N; ~8 h- z% {0 G
Liard concludes, “Future RFID market growth will come from many sources and applications. ABI Research sees growing strength across many industries, including those applications that are unique to particular verticals, as well as those – such as asset tracking, security/access control, and supply chain management – that are common to a range of verticals.”
9 {) H) ~3 Y& y1 V  Y# N; j, X2 e! l5 C2 U' E  L4 [* [/ F
ABI Research’s “RFID Forecasts” ( market data product provides extensive data on RFID revenues and unit shipments, segmented by technology, application, and vertical market (aerospace/defense, automotive, commercial services, diverse manufacturing, government, health care/life sciences, retail consumer packaged goods [CPG], retail in store, transportation/logistics, and other). It also includes data about RFID software and services revenues sorted by region, vertical market, and primary application.
發表於 2008-8-15 15:49:40 | 只看該作者
中國成為RFID的首要市場9 N4 F% P8 |, _" R0 W0 a
企業經理人雜誌 - Taiwan: ]% f. c; [1 a' _( N- O# n) O

3 z6 {" g- Q5 k9 R" c' U4 S+ N& A/ m雖然許多美國公司都認為RFID會是一個「科技泡泡」,不過現在卻有一個國家正在全力推廣這項技術的應用。 這個國家就是中國。根據近期IDTechEx的一份「RFID在中國,2008~2018」的趨勢報告,中國政府的「國家身分證計劃」會是當前全球投資金額最大的RFID專案(比其他所有的 ...
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