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[市場探討] 全台韌體設計人才職缺狂缺上千名?韌體工程師請進來交流!

發表於 2011-8-22 12:24:48 | 顯示全部樓層
) |7 T0 ~* c- `! J* \- @6 X# e, P2 biThome Online - 2 天前0 c- ]+ K( {4 i% \5 t2 m& E# U/ g" {
在過去擔任工程師的經驗中,邱文岳特別有感觸,他後來發現,與靠自己完成一件事相比,其實透過團隊力量來完成的感覺會更愉快,也讓他更充滿工作的動力。 ...
發表於 2011-10-31 14:48:09 | 顯示全部樓層

系微宣布全新ARM UEFI軟體研發工程師培訓計畫

ARM支援系微UEFI韌體研發課程/ Z+ A+ q$ C- \8 i6 S6 N7 q

; m" J1 n6 ~9 p, K7 N5 [2011年10月28日,台灣台北訊 – 擁有最先進韌體運算技術並提供相關技術諮詢服務(System Firmware)的研發廠商-系微股份有限公司,今日宣布推出一個全新的軟體研發工程師培訓計畫,協助工程師順利將具有標準與安全開機等優勢的系微UEFI韌體技術,導入於ARM處理器電腦及通訊裝置。預計這項計畫從明年一月開始,歡迎具有此類需求的業者,與系微股份有限公司洽詢。. D& h& {; P; w" ~2 h2 I

% u4 `8 E, O+ p- W, L$ n此項計畫在ARM公司的全力支持下,系微公司設計出為期 4天全方位的訓練課程,其中包括UEFI架構的概述、UEFI裝置驅動模式、ARM平台初始化技術、UEFI SCT(自我認證測試)驗證、平台系統移植實作以及ARM平台除錯技術等許多模組。系微公司在台北總部將定期舉辦講師培訓課程,以及依據客戶具體需求而舉辦的駐廠訓練計畫,還有提供正在進行專案的技術協助。
: G- r  x( d0 n3 T" m
3 C, d/ T& U0 @- E! @9 v『在過去七年內,系微已經培養了數百位訓練有素的UEFI研發工程師,現在更進一步提供業界支援ARM UEFI培訓課程。』,系微股份有限公司個人電腦事業群總經理莊玲文表示:『我們很高興能與 ARM合作開發此培訓計畫,也預期此類課程將引發業界強烈的需求。』
發表於 2011-10-31 14:48:16 | 顯示全部樓層
『ARM處理器在電腦裝置及通訊設備市佔率日益提高,亦迅速增加了ARM處理器導入UEFI韌體技術的需求,因此系微公司這套優質的ARM UEFI培訓方案是非常重要的,也可以確保客戶專案的成功。』 ARM用戶端運算(Client Computing)部門處長 Roy Chen表示:『結合系微在UEFI技術上的專業和ARM在嵌入式裝置的專長,將是業界最佳的組合。』4 R1 R  N+ ^6 z: {; m$ e& L2 a' m

9 ~0 U8 G/ k4 ^( O. [9 ~2 W『快速存取的功能,將是行動計算使用經驗能否快速擴展至傳統使用者的關鍵;就如消費者期待全球智慧型手機經驗運用於所有計算裝置上,而導入UEFI韌體技術的OMAP平台將可滿足消費者的期望。』 德儀OMAP行動電腦暨無線業務部總經理Deepu Talla表示說:『我們樂見系微公司為軟體業界帶來具有附加價值的ARM UEFI 培訓計畫』
& _. {4 p! K& g; @: h6 b' Z3 {# ~2 s+ C' P: C/ u! I& ?+ c% j7 T6 ~% U
關於系微股份有限公司 (Insyde Software Corp.)& b; `# b6 |5 ^- u/ H
系微股份有限公司(www.insydesw.com股票代號:6231.TT) 是一家擁有先進UEFI BIOS軟體技術,並提供軟體工程諮詢服務的全球性系統韌體 (System firmware) 研發廠商,產品應用領域涵蓋︰嵌入式系統、工業用電腦、桌上型電腦、伺服器系統、筆記本電腦、半導體等產業。系微公司成立於1998年,總公司位於台北,在美國、韓國設有分公司及聯絡處,並有業務代表及技術支援合作伙伴分佈於荷蘭、英國、日本及香港等地。系微的全球客戶包含了世界知名筆記型電腦、伺服器系統和嵌入式系統廠商。
發表於 2011-11-4 17:29:42 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company- P/ v3 F# v; h7 A
招聘岗位:Senior Browser Engineer
) j) Y1 r7 ~8 N% _! o工作地点:Beijing" l, T& ?% P- J
  l7 d( S+ ^# y( F5 c5 ~
岗位描述:0 N5 q$ f6 {" z4 h& T7 V
Responsibility:  Spearhead embedded browser technology based on XX’s SoC product.  Lead the development of browser based solution that enables best user experience when accessing internet services from devices using XX’s SoC product.  Escalate the organizational knowledge level in advanced internet client technology.
- M" }' X! y" m+ J* j6 t: A1 q' F1 V% I
职位要求:, q/ G; F+ W- d# w# f% X8 P2 m3 ]' [
Qualification:  Must have hands-on experience in porting, optimizing or developing browser on embedded system (Set-on-Top box, Mobile Phone, MID, GPS, etc).  Abundant knowledge in HTML5, CSS and video streaming technology  Advanced C/C++ programming skill on Linux  Able to read and write documents in English.  A good team-player with open-minded and proactive working style
發表於 2011-11-29 13:19:37 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A clasical CPU MNC.! i  ^6 N( M- r; @0 g7 W2 \
招聘岗位:Software Engineer (Windows Device Driver); K% ^- k# B, U" T# s2 ]$ s4 X9 ~
- M" D, t9 x; m+ U
3 B7 V  A+ K) l2 g( N岗位描述:$ a1 r) }  ~# e7 i5 |: ?% H
【Responsibilities】 - Work on Windows (XP/Win7/Win8) display device driver, from new chip design validation to production. - The focus will be Direct3D, OpenGL, DXVA, Display, Video BIOS depending on grouping , l: r. |" P  t" h+ n
) v6 v7 O& w" o& @: k) P
- a/ p4 o# r$ h4 M0 Q【Requirements】 - MS or equivalent - Solid C programming and debugging skills - X86 Assembly skill is a plus - Working Knowledge in Microsoft Platform SDK is also required - Working Knowledge in Microsoft DDKs is a plus - Familiar with kernel debugging tools such as Win debugger is a plus - Team work capability
發表於 2012-2-23 17:10:20 | 顯示全部樓層

[徵才] Embedded Linux Firmware Engineer

【公司名稱】 帷豐科技有限公司
% q8 I. ~* `7 w【工作職缺】 Embedded Linux韌體工程師 (全職)
7 ?  ~1 h8 v8 ^1 |【工作內容】8 w, p# P$ U7 q: m' G8 m# T
1. Linux 嵌入式平台程式設計開發。3 c& M: Z4 A+ y+ k- ?  R
2. 瞭解network protocol相關知識。' Q7 C$ a3 O$ I; z
3. Embedded Linux driver/Kernel開發。
$ a. d) ?( {6 Z1 ^+ H4 k
3 O+ T5 |* ]* b【徵求條件】# W$ V- H0 U6 W3 b5 K
1. 上班族、應屆畢業生。
! Y$ R; d) B5 {% e2. 工作經歷不拘、大學以上學歷。, H3 @# p# `1 A& N5 n7 m1 D
3. 具Embedded System開發經驗者。! W' o# E  ?+ |. d! a$ L  ~: P
4. 熟C/C++語言。! z, Z# r# j" Z. w
5. 有網通產品開發經驗者佳,如Wi-Fi Router。
( h) t4 a* h- P( b2 @4 k# R0 I8 v( v) `4 v$ U
【工作地點】 台中市西屯區台中港路三段101號10F
* V7 y, U/ S( R) ]4 W! \+ H【工作時間】 9:00~18:005 s( n' A( \: Q+ s6 r. K) n
【月休】 週休二日、國定假日
0 U$ Q% T- b# O; M$ S: d+ V" f
! [: I- u- {0 h) E【公司福利】( k( I% d4 {7 f) L6 |4 `
1. 端午、中秋、春節禮金與年終獎金。; o) m# c6 m" `, d0 t
2. 年度員工國內外旅遊活動、員工尾牙活動。+ @; p$ n. x, z- K9 {8 |* |: u
3. 特休、年假、女性同仁生理假/產假/育嬰假/家庭照顧假、陪產假。0 G9 W8 w* a0 Z. q  k+ _' u
4. 國內外出差交通補助。
2 O. Q; P; J: Y" l; o9 `% ^: e1 e, ~4 r$ U! n
2 W4 w9 ~$ X, z! I) M/ `' D7 O【需求人數】 1名7 ]' V8 \! ]  t9 Q7 ^% d
發表於 2012-6-15 09:07:17 | 顯示全部樓層
【公司名稱】:美商伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司+ I; A6 V7 B1 T. w9 p) ]
$ o, Z, ]' x& d! W【工作內容】:8 V/ j- ?; p! u
              1. 負責韌體開發、設計及分析0 h+ W6 P+ e. q: V" I. p3 O& ^
              2. 解決產品設計之問題9 Y" k' p& y3 Z3 D6 ~$ _" A
              3. 負責協調解決與通訊軟體相關問題
/ K8 F( J5 ]/ j9 l              4. 提供相關部門通訊軟體的技術支援3 ]- A/ k' R  p+ ^
$ O5 T! |9 o) [' q2 R4 o* |8 v
* R0 Y9 }4 P6 x6 E8 Q; n【徵求條件】:; C" f9 R* l7 i" e
              1. 大學電機電子相關科系以上,無經驗可
' V1 B1 K' o. C0 R# q* y" i              2. 熟悉DSP或MCU相關韌體開發經驗佳  w7 _# W/ ]5 S5 C
              3. 了解周邊通訊介面,對韌體開發流程熟知者佳
6 R1 B5 i( S+ v7 ~- M# w4 [3 G              4. 熟悉Strong ARM、MIPS、MCU 8051 軟體開發經驗佳
發表於 2012-6-15 09:07:26 | 顯示全部樓層
【工作地點】:台北內湖- M0 ]1 Z# l9 i3 L# ]
【需求人數】:不限% l# a7 X5 o! k1 B9 c/ x  {* R
【工作職缺】:硬體工程師" c$ {* {% w7 L+ Q
【工作內容】:0 c/ ~8 P9 H. N
) f! H8 [* S$ |1 F0 U) M# h              2.分析及解決產品量產品質問題8 D4 `8 H$ j% T, ^) Q
7 ]# p& S8 C- P7 m; N3 e              4.分析產品材料價格、規劃相關專案' ]* F( f0 r1 C. Y5 g5 N& G8 @
0 _% I  n  W# t: v6 m
1 R4 T' O% G, v8 ]+ Y7 |【徵求條件】:! c- Y( N  a& v8 d' H9 \
             1. 大學電子電機相關科系以上,無經驗可2 A8 ]6 J) V8 \
             2. 具UPS、SPS、PDU電路設計經驗者佳
) H* e* {# n/ W' o
7 J9 u, ^" d' x/ i, }7 d7 u【工作地點】:台北內湖
* L% b9 |  Z+ |; F& z【需求人數】:不限
4 C0 ]. `% b- _# k9 h【公司福利】:
+ k6 o) Y+ |4 b             1.優於勞基法的休假規定! k2 x9 x7 p8 a1 I7 p  j' H$ R* e
. ?2 {# b0 K/ w             3.員工VPP(變動獎金)計畫
5 [/ z( \; O" g8 J$ H$ j8 ]2 l             4.三節獎金、彈性工時等
發表於 2013-6-13 10:56:11 | 顯示全部樓層
Senior/Staff Firmware Engineer
. k) M; Z4 e/ G* P6 ~, L2 d" ]公      司:NO.82-A famous IC company& l, b% e, q6 g8 T" `
工作地点:上海) q/ l$ _: ^- L, }& a
* r- M( ~6 C* d& ~2 h' F3 g
" \: \4 Q4 r% Q% a5 i8 T' x Maintain and develop prototype Firmware code for meter applications   ! P$ t( P0 O  F* d2 g" ]
System validation of meter SOC device  9 e* ~$ `' I+ o3 Y" l
& @3 e( g" V) G& z( o# u
Mandatory Skills   + ~1 b: \: R, N1 p4 ]
Good knowledge about smart meter   
0 e+ N, X, j( \, r/ ?& @! |  Z Good knowledge about Cortex-M0/3/4 based MCU architecture and firmware development   8 w. w5 i3 [. A) ]8 @% r* ^
Fluency in English (both Oral and writing) and communication skill   " n3 T+ i* Q  c5 @( K! c# P! C
7 I1 I9 V) g8 O4 P4 ePreferred Skills   4 @3 l6 @- u4 m8 [
Electricity and gas meter architecture   
6 A' L$ u! F9 v3 w' f Zigbee, PLC and Wifi protocol stacks   7 l' T- U% E8 ], ?7 b. K
TCP/IP, security   
* `3 ~* f# [2 }! | Smart Energy Profile   
2 i( B9 L, C4 m+ X: g% C9 y7 H Energy metering / metrology algorithm   
- }" U; T' \$ T2 f4 i8 X Real time operating system   * R) b2 i( }4 \) p
  ; X  [9 Z: t1 V" e
3 \6 V7 b, n' n) {Bachelor or Master Degree of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or Control Systems   
" p8 V  U- x1 f( h) @; T) mExperience   ; O% ?+ `2 ]" M' P- @
6+ years of working experience in the high-tech industry.   7 F1 i8 E* j9 S( _2 E
2+ years of experience in an US or Europe based company     i+ O0 A0 e3 {; s3 V5 A2 e8 x
4+ years of experience in embedded firmware development
發表於 2013-6-13 10:56:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Senior/Staff DSP/Firmware Engineer+ O+ K  d" \" ]
9 c( ^2 n! I+ A( c& X, i$ Z
公      司:NO.82-A famous IC company5 T3 i% h% t8 u' ^# e+ F! ^% k6 d
; m6 ?. W% n- i! p! ]# G' N- Y: }  ?
- k, T9 L. L* o7 ]- S/ hResponsibilities   
9 s' b. |4 r; B" }8 b6 E Maintain and develop product-level Firmware code for signal processing   1 e! I  G; q7 {7 q: ~! i

' U/ ]* g8 @$ V, ]/ LMandatory Skills   7 ]1 q* h8 v; u; U
Good knowledge about digital signal processing   
& M# Z/ `" T3 M# t; M, i Good knowledge about Cortex-M based firmware development   
! G  b4 I. h1 D Fluency in English (both Oral and writing) and communication skill   / G! X' A+ A& _- e* B2 e
Preferred Skills   
8 m. \3 s, c; O7 b/ H6 S Energy metering / metrology algorithm   . N+ Z# h  f( q) [7 B# T2 P
Modulation scheme in digital communication   
) v! _- S4 ~1 ? Electricity and gas meter architecture   + k! N' _% L) t, G9 P0 q) K
  + @* T5 c9 r' h# ~8 v
Education   7 ^+ m# b8 ]3 `: Y  T$ d
Master Degree of electrical engineering, signal processing or communication   
5 V1 N: T6 }0 |Experience   
- W% p2 }0 e- w5 q3 p' e4 k$ R 5+ years of working experience in the high-tech industry.   
# T  [- b8 ~  y 2+ years of experience in an US or Europe based company   
" y6 J# Q' R* ^& Q( E& ~; Q5 X 2+ years of experience in embedded firmware development   ! s- [1 ^" O0 X
3+ years of experience in DSP related programming
發表於 2013-9-9 15:58:52 | 顯示全部樓層
SAS firmware Engineer! x* s8 F( l' p" e
, i+ I  D# o5 p4 ~1 K
公      司:A famous EMS company
/ O# b. Y! }$ `9 I. Y# V工作地点:上海
: H, d2 u& u5 d1 z5 m- }% O9 i3 q$ K" ~" k( ?
Job Summary , z2 I& o$ p6 H$ Y! _+ L4 a
A Sr Design Engineer will have a defined area of expertise either in a particular competency or industry. They will have mastered technology specific to their area of competence. Will be able to convey technical solutions to other engineers and to business personnel. Will have a good understanding of multiple CAD packages and cross functional design implications. Capable of being the lead engineer involved in a cross functional team. They will be able to drive cross functional project teams in solving technical problems and overcoming hurdles that may affect project timelines. Will have previous experience of releasing a product into a manufacturing production environment.8 e  k, S' P: ]: I& Z" h
+ C. J6 b$ c' g* p* ?9 ^
Essential Duties & Responsibilities ' ~4 i- C: ^& m! x2 q+ F4 r  E
• Meet the requirements of Design Engineer III " S3 [3 c% H; z. O
• Would be considered a SME (Subject Matter Expert) in their field of competency
& {$ M9 L! b+ b' d$ [/ a• Will represent *** Design Services in technical customer discussions / meetings - b4 u* J0 {8 a4 O5 B; k- A( B! `
• Work with Project Managers and Lead Design Engineer in the quoting process  3 T% ~! ]# o4 N( n' X
• Provide technical input to help identify and solve project risks that may affect overall project plans and schedules
" X/ i; P7 {, ]! Q, X9 w+ _• Is expected to support the development and utilization of processes for design - o! {0 e0 E3 @- P3 I1 ~  n
• At the appropriate process phase gates, provide a complete design package to be entered into our PDM system consisting of requirements and design documentation, databases, BOM’s, etc
1 y. B* e' s# P: i9 y8 S• Participate in all elements of design engineering including design reviews and design verification
; d3 D3 x2 p3 P: c• Mentoring design engineers I,II & III, technicians and ECAD designers
5 W& c- e5 w- |- g/ a5 V6 M• Provide onsite technical support for all manufacturing builds including engineering prototypes, NPI & production releases1 H# I0 s. q# F# M
• Stay abreast of the latest technology and techniques to provide designs that are competitive and cost effective. a! U. ?! J  `* ]- X* s  P$ J
• May perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned, ]* n- W2 i( P- T/ l; v4 F- G

& @: n% \, H. q3 m4 w2 X* v* jEducation & Experience Requirements
- d' ?' B% k: a! C# x2 g• Bachelors degree in Engineering from an accredited four-year college or university . q( z6 j! g8 H
• Plus a minimum of 7 - 8 years of related experience and/or training ! i$ |; i! h  h% _& g
• With a minimum of 2 years experience as a Design Engineer III
3 [- ?2 j4 Q$ D7 D3 c2 l• Specific requirements as defined by the market sector
0 f' t/ q$ k  v% o9 M5 m+ S- I• Or an equivalent combination of education, training or experience
發表於 2013-10-31 14:12:46 | 顯示全部樓層
Manager-Firmware SQA (深圳)/ v5 r! y6 C, _) M
( d4 Y, a# e: V7 p& [3 d
公      司:a global communications technology company: v9 R/ G5 r1 U$ W# {7 d8 S
工作地点:深圳! ~+ e  l2 h, ~

; U+ `6 C- H; C# o职位描述# S# B# B' y6 g. E% b
1.Research new features and technologies and understand their implementation in the Arris family of WHS CPE products. Have the ability to analyze requirements and develop features test plans. - x& D4 o( D! h- m" Y, w7 S" E
2.Oversee the writing of test plans, test procedures and reports. Generate test reports/summary docs for milestone deliverables.0 t7 {/ N/ z5 w. ^
3.Generate staffing and project plans in support of Touchstone deliverables per the PoR.
! x: a0 h$ S, y) g# i2 x* }3 G4.Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, demonstrate strong problem solving skills and work well on individual tasks and in a team environment.  Must be able to communicate project status/issues to management team.
9 r- ?9 S! C' s1 \% r! T# F' `5.Identify test case automation candidates to reduce the amount of manual testing required.
  I& b7 j! e' Q' Q0 |6.Must be able to formulate SQA/automation strategies in conjunction with Kirkland, Beaverton, & Atlanta management team., L4 J6 j9 t( n  K9 x+ o( z+ j
7.Manage department activities within budgetary constraints. 9 F& x! |& X/ G9 c) c
, i3 Q7 V- u$ n4 m- \
职位要求; h" u2 F. L; M6 W; o3 s2 M/ C' t+ \
1.Formal Education:BSEET, BSEE, BSCS
; \! l5 c0 _0 Q2.SQA experience - 5+ years experience ( j0 ^, U/ h% Z# W4 c# ^  H
3.Knowledge of cable systems preferred or related industry experience.    \. Q- i  f' x9 T
4.DOCSIS/Packetcable experience a plus.
發表於 2014-12-4 11:26:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Senior Firmware Design Engineer' t/ D) F$ r+ R
公      司:A global PC leading enterprise% \' D( }! y, S( F" [6 W: r2 Z
工作地点:北京; U* X% b* w/ n6 `
9 s6 B1 d( X  o
职位描述& M$ p* f9 [2 @. Z+ L
$ E) v; I! P, E9 \; l1.    Develop state-of-art firmware、algorithm transport from float C to fixed C for SSD storage system  ) i, f4 w' ~0 n* }% c; y' A5 g. i
开发SSD存储系统所需的固件,算法的浮点转定点化 & `6 l$ d$ W- A, D% X+ }9 k
* B4 {0 h" Z# \
2.    Test and debug issues with systematic approach and professional skills  
2 w0 f8 p. |; z7 E采用系统的方法及专业的技能测试和调试  , G) E& x/ p4 E: S9 h. {# p

6 e- L& T& ?/ O( R3.    Collaborate with SoC design and verification team, FPGA prototyping team and hardware team to develop the full storage system 4 K& o/ Y% t' ]8 D
" k5 h( E3 {: T2 {$ |1 ]
9 `2 o) _. |& |* i4 g4.    Analyize product and system requirements and create the firmware module designs  ' A4 j3 S4 y! k- Q4 Y4 R
分析产品及系统的需求来产生固件模块设计  + ]' H; K* G% G6 D

) D6 e; Z1 f  @) q% Y$ H; B& ^3 Z5.    Use of storage testers, analyzer and other debug tools  
, X, w  A" ?5 r# O. A# u% E4 H: z- F使用各种存储测试仪器、分析仪及其他调试工具 ' N$ d9 M9 `6 ^2 j- K6 t

* v! d+ a! S4 F7 R6.    Write and review engineering documentations  
! i* f5 }9 N: I7 s# w3 f0 t4 t' r$ Y撰写并检查各种工程文档
發表於 2014-12-4 11:26:35 | 顯示全部樓層
+ x5 w. @2 ~& g& D; `+ B! ERequirements:  0 S# x, G; S$ |4 J0 A" D  ?5 Q
1.    B.S or M.S. majored in EE or CS with more than 5+ years working experience on firmware design and development 6 `+ ^# Q. n: P5 l/ }& J
) v: H5 O; ~& ~
  O9 ~# \* a1 C5 V3 B2.    Strong skills on C language programming and debugging  
* w( n! V8 [1 q: E3 H5 U# d8 |熟练掌握C语言编程及调试  
# ?0 `7 l% |$ R# T6 N/ o+ |! j$ Q- ^: T) d
3.    Knowledge and experience on ARM Cortex-R series or Cortex-A series programming  + J# Y- \5 E" b
具有ARM Cortex-R系列经ARM Cortex-A系列编程开发的知识和经验 5 |2 f& R! x( x6 R7 F1 B7 v
  ]) `! R+ l! e
4.    Knowledge and experience on PCIe protocol  2 S6 @8 N8 h3 {  c- {# q/ z
具有PCIe协议的知识和编程经验 ; J  K& j$ p  S

2 F9 B! }5 e2 f( z" p) z5.    Familiar with storage specifcations, especially PCIe
3 t$ Z7 S  q7 U' [& C# `6 i- u熟悉各种存储方面协议如PCIe
; z1 u& v& l9 p, l1 Z- w3 \6 c8 J$ h
6.    Knowledge on NVM express specification is a plus  
. \' P( l/ ^8 n; `9 a最好有NVM express协议的经验
發表於 2014-12-11 11:41:55 | 顯示全部樓層
Senior Firmware Design Engineer
* w/ `7 o1 L: m公      司:A global PC leading enterprise
  x* K' s( H0 e; G) p0 b工作地点:北京# l; l, B. k2 C: s% T0 l; q

: |- L3 e0 k/ U5 a职位描述
8 b0 X9 n) k: |9 iResponsibilities:  
2 g9 f) S3 I1 o; \6 q( r; z! ^  K1.    Develop state-of-art firmware、algorithm transport from float C to fixed C for SSD storage system  % T, T; T5 ^' [
" i) c3 Y  d- a  [
7 \& I9 O  \3 o' p* T; F1 p1 c: t) m2.    Test and debug issues with systematic approach and professional skills  / |& Y3 x) M; D7 c# l1 I4 D
2 r$ P% t1 |6 V$ H
  j. e6 Z3 z* w: ~; c# p3.    Collaborate with SoC design and verification team, FPGA prototyping team and hardware team to develop the full storage system 6 x- p) ~! R' B' J) N
0 e5 M+ b5 R! n, z0 s, W. T$ Q5 O
" l& A9 d2 _% F+ S4.    Analyize product and system requirements and create the firmware module designs  
9 M" u( `' @& @9 ?  W# J0 `分析产品及系统的需求来产生固件模块设计  
# {# Q& Q* C& z3 G
! Q1 x* i8 \+ Q% w5.    Use of storage testers, analyzer and other debug tools  2 V* P- F6 x9 m  k2 E, s* y
使用各种存储测试仪器、分析仪及其他调试工具 ) |. p/ v: s: O3 D; G
9 x, q- d2 X. {( p$ E
6.    Write and review engineering documentations  6 F' Q/ t; o1 p2 |& y" ?; b
發表於 2014-12-11 11:42:02 | 顯示全部樓層
# e% h6 Q1 o- A' QRequirements:  
/ |, Z8 d1 f1 b/ \1.    B.S or M.S. majored in EE or CS with more than 5+ years working experience on firmware design and development . g1 i) j6 C! o: |$ Q+ A+ K
7 D( N, c8 p4 e0 |1 i9 T  S7 i
* O9 r. e6 u. f% ^2 O& n% C. T1 i2.    Strong skills on C language programming and debugging  
0 C- O- z. O  K; ~# p) m熟练掌握C语言编程及调试  
4 Q9 Z- e4 G& q  [* E+ u  m3 q0 _1 ]9 ]9 Q1 E$ _
3.    Knowledge and experience on ARM Cortex-R series or Cortex-A series programming  
; G/ V4 |; _# T# p具有ARM Cortex-R系列经ARM Cortex-A系列编程开发的知识和经验 9 Q" x3 p5 n; f1 r' k
0 ]* E  _% R' E5 m+ I/ ~8 |
4.    Knowledge and experience on PCIe protocol  ' O8 [( a7 d* ~% h( ], ~( M& k  J
具有PCIe协议的知识和编程经验 # H" V7 g3 Q& P+ q

' f) v( B7 B  ]* b5.    Familiar with storage specifcations, especially PCIe
' ^: W& R( e% W' X% K. l熟悉各种存储方面协议如PCIe
& T+ J! |/ z. _! W, X6 m: g& d# E* J) c% [4 `1 b
6.    Knowledge on NVM express specification is a plus  
+ \3 C3 K# f' Z% [; t7 j最好有NVM express协议的经验
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