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[經驗交流] 就你知道,業務與工程師,哪個賺的錢多?

發表於 2011-9-5 18:00:33 | 顯示全部樓層

全民業務!5成8上班族做過業務 耗損高?其中5成3已離職

(20110905 16:19:50)全球千大富豪及世界500大CEO,超過半數都曾從事過業務工作,而鴻海董事長郭台銘第一份工作就是擔任航運業務,逐步踏上創業之路,成就今日橫跨全球的「鴻海帝國」。究竟從事業務工作有何優缺點?業務經驗是否能為個人職涯加分?
8 S$ ^  O" ~! v2 ?3 e2 Y' p/ p* j3 l" D6 l$ e, J" V8 X, S& z
7 u6 O, e, \/ Z$ d7 B' N% M8 r0 U/ ~
+ ^0 N1 Z0 g! |/ x+ C4 A不過,業務的折損率相對其他職務高。已轉職者反應,5成6因「個人職涯規劃」、3成5受不了「業績壓力太大/業績目標難達成」、2成7認為「個性不適合」,黯然離開業務崗位,更讓企業流失不少人才。若能重來,公司提供轉調其他部門機會,5成2願意考慮,還有1成8直接點頭願意留下。$ N3 F7 r% U3 h
% S" G0 h# z$ K2 s1 n0 s

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發表於 2011-9-5 18:00:49 | 顯示全部樓層
面對公司業績要求與客戶刁難,過來人認為這份工作必須具備「抗壓性高」、「溝通能力強」、「不怕生」等條件。即使過程辛苦,高達9成3從業者認為業務經驗對職涯「有所幫助」,特別是「訓練口才/溝通技巧」、「增加個人閱歷/經歷」與「培養抗壓性」。受訪者普遍認為夢幻業務工作需具備「健全/合理獎金制度」、「合理底薪」、「完整培訓制度」與「轉調/升遷制度」。: W" w6 T3 {" G" ?* S9 h- h) H
  j2 X( e0 z/ g: l; ^* |/ `/ r5 O
' ]1 u) @3 |' K8 u4 a# t; D& {1 ?5 v
" F1 I& z" Y3 o$ K
0 R0 ~+ {: b! B, S' ^; i0 t委任1111人力銀行承辦此次組訓人員徵才的新光人壽人資長陸碧霞指出,由於業務持續成長,加上ECFA實施後在兩岸三地佈局需要大量人才,今年至少將釋出50名組訓專員職缺。他表示,組訓制度自民國66年實施以來,一直是新光人壽的幹部人才培訓搖籃,目前約有5成的內外部主管具備組訓背景。

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發表於 2011-9-5 18:01:03 | 顯示全部樓層
陸碧霞強調,組訓專員起薪至少3萬3起跳,經過1個月培訓了解公司背景與產品內容後,將分配到各區部擔任組訓專員與業務區經理各兩年,了解組織拓展情形並衝刺業務目標,最後再依照個人興趣與職涯發展規劃進行輪調至業務、精算等各領域。陸碧霞指出,本次招考基本門檻為大學畢業,無科系限制,歡迎有企圖心、學習力與抗壓性強的新鮮人前來報名。" c' `4 x! Z1 R+ ]8 I, U

$ Z" z" m4 I$ }5 E9 k根據1111人力銀行調查,58.42%的受訪上班族擁有正職業務工作經驗,包含27.23%目前從事業務相關正職工作者,及31.19%曾有正職業務經驗但已轉職者。其中35.59%更表示第一份職務就從事業務性質的職務。這些人從事的業務內容依序以「專櫃/門市人員」(16.95%)、「消費性產品銷售」(16.1%)、「直銷/傳銷產品」(15.54%)最多。
! C( @- D+ s6 N' K+ c8 Q
' s* w( L$ I4 n0 F  B( f有趣的是,這些人從事業務工作的原因,多數人抱持積極態度希望「自我磨練」(35.59%),也有人是「誤打誤撞」(33.9%)進了這一行,以及看中「薪水較高」(27.12%),希望努力能回饋在薪資上。. Q# p' \8 m$ F- x* G7 V
) \- U. e1 I; t/ p2 e& o

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發表於 2011-9-5 18:01:22 | 顯示全部樓層
不過業務員流動率偏高,曾有業務經歷者當時掛冠求去的理由,以「個人職涯歸劃」(55.56%)為最多,其次依序為「業績壓力太大/業績目標難達成」(34.92%)、「個性不適合」(26.98%),也有人受不了「公司制度不佳」(19.58%)與「薪資不穩定」(19.05%)而選擇離開。值得注意的是,若當時公司提供轉調其他部門機會,高達51.69%離職者「會考慮」,更有17.8%願意「直接留下」,至其他部門貢獻所長,減緩企業人才折損。3 I% Q( g9 Z9 q- W# H. |! P
2 g- R% ^3 d4 Z
/ i1 b5 }; _0 @# b6 q8 M- h4 k2 \2 M* _$ y( {/ g2 K7 d( o' C
# p" h& P) c7 P* A% E7 c) K; b4 {( A6 J5 o2 s  [
張旭嵐指出,業務固然能靠努力獲取更高報酬,比起一般上班族更容易領創造可觀收入。但這項誘因背後必須面對業績壓力、工作時間不固定與薪酬不穩等考驗。由於業績需要靠時間與人脈慢慢培養才能收到成效,張旭嵐呼籲剛投入業務這一行的菜鳥必須作好心理準備,除了謹記「腰軟、嘴甜、臉笑、手腳快」四大守則,勤跑業務,還得靠決心和毅力熬過初期的高壓與挫折,才能在激烈競爭中存活。9 U, A% y0 H8 _4 F! @7 f
5 c% P- r2 S2 T# T

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發表於 2011-9-5 18:01:29 | 顯示全部樓層
至於業務員心中理想的工作條件,包含「健全/合理獎金制度」(53.39%)、「有合理的底薪」(41.53%)、「轉調/升遷制度」(33.9%)及「完整培訓制度」(24.58%),反映業務員普遍對薪酬或公司制度不周全的憂慮。) h0 t0 Y6 {8 A6 Q& U
! |" A# @0 w/ }( F" g
+ \6 C2 R8 b( e! @
# A6 [( g' `0 K張旭嵐也建議轉職者及新鮮人,將業務工作以職涯發展的長遠角度評估,增進專業知識和銷售技巧之外,更要積極拓展人脈,培養經營管理能力,以便讓職涯可以更上一層樓,因此無論是否以業務為終身職務,都能利用「業務經驗」為個人的專業與職能加分,打造自已璀璨的的職涯舞台。
# {! k; i* f5 Q/ j& j; Y( c5 r6 ]0 N! m4 d  }
2 y6 g: s6 o0 M7 J; g
- Q% z% J5 \7 Y: i3 N: M" d' `4 d訊息來源:全球華人股份有限公司

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發表於 2011-9-6 14:10:37 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company
8 O+ E& J# {, ]8 y0 m( R+ w. F招聘岗位:Sales engineer
8 U! @! `" n) b; o# R工作地点:Shenzhen5 x; V; p  r% }) `6 U/ p: `2 _5 X) c0 m
1 h- w% x3 K& |$ r3 Y( v
& Z" c4 ]7 l5 U3 r1 _( r4 x1) 开发客户design in
) l3 K* ?) f- F' \2) 导入并管理代理商
  c- [' l8 w2 Z& D  |. W 3) 大专以上学历,有5年以上电源行业sc/dc销售经验

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發表於 2011-9-6 14:11:57 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company- D6 j- G8 R8 c; D$ l9 L3 b
招聘岗位:Sales Head
6 C, `4 ]" n! k) x3 E8 w$ ]工作地点:Shanghai; J9 m3 L0 |. q9 X

7 f8 i" ~& i* ~) c0 M岗位描述:Job Description:
( t  C+ {( K5 w; O; e: K3 T1, Is responsible for developing the company's sales strategy in China, annual marketing plan development, implementation and completion;
# M( f+ z. \0 p' d6 z& E$ d2, The company's sales team building, management, motivation, and related training.
' q- N8 f& i' S3 N3, According to company expenses policy, budgeting with plans to improve the input-output ratio;
" s1 S8 S" Z5 n0 S/ D6 W4, To assist the company Asia GM to develop strategic development goals, is responsible for the daily management of the marketing system, draw up marketing and management system to monitor the marketing strategy implementation in the regions;
6 O# J) Y; v# X3 c5, Coordinate the relevant departments to promote the project implementation; ! E' u; _( E. n
6, Regular marketing environment, objectives, plans, operations verification analysis and timely adjustment of marketing strategies and plans, * K7 K  j$ \( J# b/ e5 }) M) E& d
7, Development of preventive and corrective measures to ensure the completion of marketing objectives and marketing plans; + K+ F+ g# I1 O
8, Is responsible for splitting the annual objectives and marketing budget, and according to the market and the company's actual time to adjust and control; ! A% ^; T7 v8 Z3 f# E" l
9, Is responsible for complete website, VI building, brand promotion plan; responsible VI planning and communication, maintenance and the media, industry associations and other institutions of good relations. 3 l0 Y, P& n$ w
- P! `' s6 e' ^  }
职位要求:2 n/ Y& X5 |2 k; D) }$ }7 `
Qualifications: • Bachelor or MS in EE/CS major • At least 15 years semiconductor technical experience required • Teamwork, dedication, strong communications and interpersonal skills • ASIC design experience is desired • Fluent oral and written English is plus

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發表於 2011-9-6 14:12:49 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company
- \5 N; F& f" w' x招聘岗位:Technical sales
! C9 r' ]- n8 R工作地点:Shanghai/Shenzhen
$ d" V) f# y2 C# {) |5 Q+ X2 R3 v" {/ e! L
/ ?( A7 y$ C9 z$ g; \. iJob Description: • Account management to reach business goals • Maintain relationship with customer for long term partnership • Understand the technical requirements, and capable of building solutions • Ensure customer satisfaction and respond to customer in a timely manner • Internal communication with engineering, and operation team to conduct the business in the account
+ m4 N/ E4 W  q/ R% a* F+ \' b# a# p' v
职位要求:. u0 M; b2 ]3 u
Qualifications: • Bachelor or MS in EE/CS major • At least 5 years semiconductor technical experience required • Teamwork, dedication, strong communications and interpersonal skills • Back-End design experience is desired • Fluent oral and written English is plus

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發表於 2011-9-6 14:13:56 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company* }% I+ F1 ]# c1 d+ A3 p
招聘岗位:Sales Manager: W, n3 E3 v; d! x
$ d6 p* h( [6 z7 g
" P0 |5 a0 O# z& f" ?/ ]% r岗位描述:
: S# s6 t, b. yJob level: Job description: 1. Responsible for assigned business territory to identify the potential business opportunity, drive on design-in to design-win, and follow up through MP. 2. Customer relationship building and management. 3. Provide sales forecast for internal production planning. 4. Customer project management. 5. Distributor management. 6. Competition and industry information collection.
% ^+ |; x9 K3 F4 F1 _  [. J9 ]4 |/ n$ N
职位要求:% u! X$ I( [& z7 Y& A/ x5 E
Requirement: 1. 5+ IC sales experience. Handset industry experience required. 2. Experienced in customer interface, relationship, and account management. 3. Be able to line up internal resource to achieve goal. 4. Strong inter-person skill 5. Good English communication

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發表於 2011-9-22 15:41:28 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:One world top EDA company7 @/ u! }- }4 b0 E
招聘岗位:Account Executive
& M* v9 l. k* \  v' l* O- C4 F工作地点:Shanghai
& W9 U. \( O* H* H! w2 D7 L" T5 U, z: ?5 @9 c0 P' ^
* U7 i/ A4 D6 j1 ]& f4 m0 rKey Accountabilities: - Building a healthy pipeline of new business opportunities - Qualifying and closing business to meet with sales target - Fortressing & growing market share in existing accounts - Winning new logos and gain market segment share in new accounts - Developing relationships with key stakeholders at all levels within clients - Examining Market and proactively generating new opportunities
* b% G2 H! m7 Z! o; g( J6 Q8 h; `" g
) e, Z, x# V- ?. A+ I: ePosition requirements/Experience: - Bachelor or above degree in electronics related major - 5-7 years related sales experience - Enterprise and geography sales experience - Consistent over-achiever - Deep understanding of the semiconductor design chain and ecosystem - Self motivated, good in communication and presentation. - Mandarin and English skill is necessary for this role.

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發表於 2011-11-29 13:25:19 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company
( K8 U; [4 j6 ]8 Y' w7 O9 a招聘岗位:Sales Director
" F3 ~0 F# _1 e) q* b3 F: r4 d工作地点:California6 O" n5 r" ~" Y) W7 _# j

* \4 t/ s* J" i/ c  G# X- I& O, t: N岗位描述:
( E* |+ Y* e) X7 ^) T# b/ iJob Description: 1. Is responsible for developing the company's sales strategy in US, annual marketing plan development, implementation and completion; 2. According to company expenses policy, budgeting with plans to improve the input-output ratio; 3. Coordinate the relevant departments to promote the project implementation; 4. Regular marketing environment, objectives, plans, operations verification analysis and timely adjustment of marketing strategies and plans, 5. Development of preventive and corrective measures to ensure the completion of marketing objectives and marketing plans; 6. Is responsible for splitting the annual objectives and marketing budget, and according to the market and the company's actual time to adjust and control; 7. Is responsible for complete website, VI building, brand promotion plan; responsible VI planning and communication, maintenance and the media, industry associations and other institutions of good relations.
  x9 K7 Y. |# ^5 `9 }/ d& |" L  t* _+ A0 y0 h0 J
职位要求:) l) x$ X' j% J' R  W$ Y) z
Qualifications: • Bachelor or MS in EE/CS major • At least 15 years semiconductor technical experience required • Teamwork, dedication, strong communications and interpersonal skills • ASIC design experience is desired • Fluent oral and written English,Fluent Mandarin is plus

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發表於 2012-2-20 13:51:31 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:High-technical IC supplie with commercial FPGA intellectual property
" A5 a/ ?3 l5 L7 m* l招聘岗位:Sales VP: Z% d: C- k! J. w
$ j+ {" A8 k# J9 \' n! j
3 D6 F1 Y6 m) f, h- q5 W岗位描述:) V- Q$ {$ o1 w9 G8 ?9 g. m
Responsibility: - Lay out the Strategic planning of sales, Develop and execute management plans to accomplish short and long term goals and achieve aggressive sales targets.
4 ~$ P( c* E7 ], o7 k+ f7 o$ a/ G- z. g
职位要求:5 x% U! {$ t  G/ P0 Z0 s
Requirements: - Graduate degree: (i.e., Master’s, MBA). 12+ Years Hi-Tech sales experience in China market - Actively pursue valued business opportunities to qualify leads and customer needs, - resulting in solution recommendation, negotiation and pricing. - Team builder (i.e., Sales, Risk Management, Operations, Marketing, Finance) - Flexibility, Adaptability and Tolerance in a Matrix organization - Executive level presentation skills - Fluent in Mandarin and English - High-Tech/Consumer Electronics background

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