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[經驗交流] ASIC設計工程師如何保住飯碗?

發表於 2014-6-12 10:46:55 | 只看該作者
Junior Physical Design Engineer/ J! ]/ T6 e: w; w3 Q& @& I
! d# H1 m. s; `" f' E/ F
公      司: famous IC company) d1 G% [1 i5 a4 X% Y' I) ]+ m/ ]4 [- J
" ]& G9 k8 L: b! J8 v) ^2 }+ k4 e1 N; |% Y* T) _
Position Tasks, Duties and Responsibilities
2 O$ z: ?' ?& iThe ASIC Physical Design Engineer will:
' ^, \$ q  X9 m" q, B        Complete third party IP integration and ensure vendor guidelines are followed. 2 X0 g) L- {2 C7 o: Z
        Responsible for physical verification (DRC/LVS).
( I" O; a* }1 Q" i" o        IO ring design, fullchip floorplan. 4 Y1 f6 b9 S: w* R! p! M
        Block level implementation. ( L! j, B+ b& t/ x. v
        Work with front-end engineers to resolve problems and achieve design closure.
+ F( }3 I/ O, Y. T% I* O$ U4 @
% d$ K3 S+ f5 ?3 e) w8 sCandidate Qualifications:
$ Z6 O& U, l2 v! K) @Candidate must: 0 x4 o, S; Q% Y' }. o
        Hold BSEE (MS preferred).
- q9 t9 U5 R) `5 ^        Have minimum of 3 years hands-on experience in full flow IC back-end physical design and verification / |! t/ l- f  k* k$ t( ?: W) H
        Be able to complete block and chip level tapeout quality LVS and  LVS and DRC. & N& p9 E5 U# i1 Z; \
        Have the ability to independently identify and resolve design, tool, and flow problems.
. a$ l& l: F3 Z$ r        Have related timing and physical concept. % ]  ^' b- O' o/ o  H! s- a4 N& P6 l
        Be able to design and implement physical design strategies and methodologies for deep submicron designs.
* s# h( s& u0 j: X) W; }        Familiar with EDA tools. & |# P" {6 u# d" a9 j
        Familiar with Linux environments.  % `; C5 e% D# {" N
- p6 J, y" s4 }* E" V3 [
Any of the following is beneficial:
1 v# V: E7 J( i7 i  [  V9 S) F        STA constraint design , G8 b, m. t3 ~6 ~3 R# @
       Equivalence checking ?RTL to gates, and gates to gates.

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發表於 2014-6-19 09:41:01 | 只看該作者
Junior Physical Design Engineer6 W0 R# I" t6 J& G& v

* n1 L% Q! h6 A6 I- M* U公      司:A famous IC company/ {; a! E' Q! N6 S) c
工作地点:北京5 Y% t. h  C3 p* U2 M. R. }2 \
2 \, c4 ?  U! ?5 c
Position Tasks, Duties and Responsibilities , ~8 {  ?/ J: c4 r* H5 `
The ASIC Physical Design Engineer will: & f( ]& B) N: H% U6 w8 _3 |
        Complete third party IP integration and ensure vendor guidelines are followed.
( @+ _% o  p9 @; Y5 _7 b: T        Responsible for physical verification (DRC/LVS). 4 ~: d. L# I" w& c
        IO ring design, fullchip floorplan. ) A5 g8 w9 w2 V
        Block level implementation.
1 C7 u( y: A/ \        Work with front-end engineers to resolve problems and achieve design closure. & w7 w3 t& @* x3 Z+ r
" t& T. q3 L& V+ ]# T$ l( P* ~1 t
Candidate Qualifications:
3 b4 T( x) M$ E) @Candidate must:
! S) G7 l8 _7 X% \, x        Hold BSEE (MS preferred).
0 F) K1 r6 W  i3 o. S/ e        Have minimum of 3 years hands-on experience in full flow IC back-end physical design and verification
0 |0 G4 s- G6 d        Be able to complete block and chip level tapeout quality LVS and  LVS and DRC.
  A$ n- u- w4 D' l4 G8 p' l+ s        Have the ability to independently identify and resolve design, tool, and flow problems.
( C" Y) ^6 j  R4 Y1 H- ]2 @        Have related timing and physical concept. . M! {& i1 ]$ d
        Be able to design and implement physical design strategies and methodologies for deep submicron designs.
7 U6 n- A( q6 L1 V        Familiar with EDA tools. / y# n6 f. m: I. D5 w% {  u
        Familiar with Linux environments.  ( F  W; y! Y/ z( N. e* |

( l% Y3 \: @% j7 P6 @% U+ PAny of the following is beneficial: % y/ {5 ]( ^. d  L( Z
        STA constraint design
/ W; W9 r4 ], B: b0 w. V       Equivalence checking ?RTL to gates, and gates to gates.

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發表於 2014-6-19 09:42:41 | 只看該作者
Sr. ASIC Design Engineer (encoder/decoder)
8 ~1 ~. y) O% G- E- l& A
& E" Y& p/ x( [7 Z3 \! {% B9 o公      司:a leading developer of advanced digital imaging solution
0 d3 {* L/ c0 Y, n" V+ E) l工作地点:上海0 o( q: l  m' t0 f3 Y; H
3 z. c6 w3 H3 q8 d
Position Overview: The candidate will join a team of  highly competent ASIC designers involved in design, verification, and implementation (ASIC) of advanced platform for XX''s future generation multi-media products.   . P1 ^/ ~7 ?6 C  P& E
9 s' x8 O6 ]6 T$ `' y; V- @3 U
主要职责 (70%) 7 r: Z$ |9 P7 t  e) S5 m: c
In-depth knowledge of TV encoder and decoder design. Good understanding of TV system design.  
- x! m5 e3 `5 {: JProficiency on digital filter algorithms and hardware implementation. - s2 ]! `6 C, T. v# K
Development and verification of complex IP module, integration of the IP module into the Soc devices, top-level design handling, system level testing. / n& p8 P7 r8 n# f
Participate in the FPGA platform development and lab debugging   
! C7 I3 z) |3 H3 e% Y" E
8 W8 c7 g, X. G其他职责 (30%) 7 C! H4 Z: G0 `  a4 E0 q+ M
Participate in block level architecture design Assisting embedded FW development.0 \( c* q; U2 ^& D
4 B  a! E0 a; E: ]# S/ L9 v; D9 A+ I. N岗位资格
: A2 i7 f5 g( w3 b经验/技能
/ J8 d: U/ `, I9 x) E1. Strong knowledge of TV technologies, knowledge of image signal process and CCTV system is a plus
( k. {* L+ ?, G, Q8 s) }2. Strong knowledge of ASIC design flow. Can define Micro-architecture of the IP module and /or sub-blocks. And able to write detailed engineering specifications.
" p6 g! B7 H7 o1 _3. Good communication skills, especially in technical writing and reporting;
6 J% h% s& H; ~, D! p! B4. Self-motivated and ability to excel in a team environment.      k( U& z- ^  y: p
4 X5 w2 l* m6 ^
教育 6 Q; M% `' n, U% `; B+ I
MSEE/CE with 3+ years of industry experience

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發表於 2014-6-20 09:03:13 | 只看該作者
Senior Digital Design Engineer
/ u" o, }3 S! _# `1 Y5 k7 e4 H, r
5 T1 h9 [! X8 P  X" b- U( t9 W: i公      司:A leading semiconductor company# c0 m- o# S. X% u; [
工作地点:香港7 F9 Z/ D" [/ J0 J8 b9 X
, O& _  b& `( Z! V  T/ B/ t
Job Responsibilities: $ m  S* L8 u& q0 F& p2 C5 c0 R
    Perform logic design, RTL coding, design verification, logic synthesis, DFT and static timing analysis
* Y: {$ |; V4 o' c% G& t& e) s    Develop verification environment and coverage closure 3 {6 J! _0 r8 F% S( z
    Support wafer level testing and silicon evaluation
! r0 C) o; o6 U5 u+ E! J    Prepare technical documents* n2 u: i$ E8 n. i
7 z0 q& f/ m( a5 ]6 G
Job Requirements:
; l0 D) B- K+ C( G8 k  b+ S    B.Sc or above in Electronic Engineering or equivalent. Applicants with postgraduate degree would be considered as an advantage. C7 `/ z8 D3 G/ a
    5 Years or above of solid experience in one or more of the following areas: Verilog-based logic design and synthesis, constrained random    testbench with System Verilog & UVM, assertion based design verification or circuit-level SPICE simulations
8 ~. J# w" k) h8 S: U    Knowledge of SoC and embedded system.
% D  Q5 W: c4 P! K8 A. U    Knowledge of scripting languages such as Perl, TCL and Make 1 @. U% ^1 I, o; h4 ^0 }  f
    Candidate with less experience will be considered as Digital Design Engineer

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發表於 2014-6-24 11:57:06 | 只看該作者
Junior Physical Design Engineer; K, s9 @$ E4 z0 a5 u8 N+ q( O" h
公      司:A famous IC company2 s& L. U; m) t0 N, f& b. l0 g; e& a
工作地点:北京# o% r; p4 o' @6 Y8 B, Q$ K

+ u5 _7 I) n8 |5 K0 y  e- NPosition Tasks, Duties and Responsibilities ' R7 x$ z1 R" R3 q4 k% k
The ASIC Physical Design Engineer will:
" R7 s  c* p) ], \        Complete third party IP integration and ensure vendor guidelines are followed. / f9 ^- D9 G2 L8 D1 T) s1 g
        Responsible for physical verification (DRC/LVS). ' Z& ~4 Z) X1 h- W
        IO ring design, fullchip floorplan. - `% G# R/ E) X- @7 g
        Block level implementation.
* L3 s  N' a! P: h3 Z! V        Work with front-end engineers to resolve problems and achieve design closure.
% _, g1 [  @( P2 n( b* y- c1 g6 x# g; M6 S0 ]
Candidate Qualifications: , e1 k5 C4 z" |8 _. {
Candidate must:
) }) u5 \/ q4 ~- ~        Hold BSEE (MS preferred).
% y& V2 n/ m, g) k$ U; C        Have minimum of 3 years hands-on experience in full flow IC back-end physical design and verification
# t! |( Z0 D7 H0 i  W        Be able to complete block and chip level tapeout quality LVS and  LVS and DRC.
' U, s' L( I$ F5 d. D        Have the ability to independently identify and resolve design, tool, and flow problems. 4 W( v/ Y0 f- ?* f/ I
        Have related timing and physical concept.
$ V: k3 S6 o5 z9 ?; n        Be able to design and implement physical design strategies and methodologies for deep submicron designs.# \+ L4 R  b% S
        Familiar with EDA tools.
* C$ z/ e2 e1 ]6 I        Familiar with Linux environments.  $ o1 z0 x2 d' Y8 Y  d

) x% L3 A6 V$ P0 B1 Q' D" sAny of the following is beneficial: ( {) S, S! I5 [: w! e
        STA constraint design
5 ]* Z) o) z7 A8 N2 h: M7 }       Equivalence checking ?RTL to gates, and gates to gates.

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發表於 2014-7-31 12:31:20 | 只看該作者
数字芯片设计工程师(DFT/综合)$ V  `+ B9 e, F% X# z  O
& U* I; s' V- J' U
公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company$ }7 |' e) d% C" d
# o4 i+ c; |$ S1 k9 W; n8 ~  }2 J, ^! |- Q3 R2 ]
职位描述: - a; F, I7 p  }8 S. n
1、To provide and support SYN&DFT work for several projects in parallel  8 r2 l$ ?$ }1 c* Q8 V: j) ^  G# w* x
2、Run block level implementation for each project, include synthesis, DFT and LEC
0 c: y/ t% X& g8 h, K- F3、Support block level physical evaluation  * j% f2 ~9 T9 C# M4 E  V( n
4、co-work with designer and provide block level SDC file ) B; L1 {: J6 Q, T8 F  I
5、co-work with Back-end team for timing signoff' Q7 f8 C8 C: i+ N
6 {- S" H6 M8 @: a
职位需求: + r1 h& H, w& V# s& t
1. 了解集成电路设计的基本流程 # `, s" Q! {) h7 X
2. 相关Synthesis, formal check 和DFT的工作经验。(3A, 3B, 3C精通一项即可)   _; T: h6 G# P& G
3A. 有超过2~3个项目的synthesis 经验, 用过RTL compiler且熟悉timing的相关知识  3 U2 F# `' W' u6 z' D
3B. 有超过2~3个项目的formal check经验,熟悉CPF的low power flow
. j% h/ t) f. ]* v  J3C. 有超过2~3个项目的DFT insertion经验, 用过Mentor DFT的优先考虑 # o9 x* U8 R- a- c% G( r3 J1 L. ~
3. 具有良好的英语阅读和书写能力。

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發表於 2014-10-29 08:13:11 | 只看該作者

ASIC Corporation將展示節能、高頻寬效率的C-RAN解決方案

西班牙巴賽隆納--(美國商業資訊)--eASIC Corporation:
  ^" c. a$ Q' G& X$ Z# G4 R
) ]2 R7 T8 {0 W3 B/ S人物:
  j- G9 h0 y: @+ N. e0 ~4 R( E4 S& K9 q' H  p) L
領先的單光罩自適應ASIC設備供應商eASIC Corporation將由eASIC無線業務主管Christian Lanzani博士擔任代表,負責整體無線策略,包括無線存取、去程傳輸(fronthaul)連線、基頻處理和回程傳輸解決方案。
$ |+ X5 N0 E/ ^' I2 M/ c, i1 ]6 ^, r8 y7 l6 a5 \
事件:7 W' Z9 g! c* w; {
% e; f4 s/ i) a: Z
eASIC將作為聯合贊助商參加Wi-Fi世界高峰會、去程傳輸暨C-RAN高峰會(Wi-Fi World Summit & Fronthaul & C-RAN Summit),展示C-RAN去程傳輸在部署方面的挑戰,提供eASIC解決方案的細節。展示過程將包括無線存取、CPRI over OTN轉換器和基頻集區,包括L1硬體加速的使用案例。0 N1 N- p* a7 |( F
  k; S* Y) p+ Y: A4 `' z% Q
時間:2014年10月29日,週三 / F$ m! F/ h4 L+ ~
地點:西班牙巴賽隆納赫斯珀裡亞塔樓酒店(Hesperia Tower Hotel)
' b5 b9 U. G$ \% Q
/ Z6 n( i# ^+ L如需瞭解有關eASIC Corporation的更多資訊,請造訪。Wi-Fi世界高峰會、去程傳輸暨C-RAN高峰會細節可以從以下網址獲得: v' V! D7 ^3 D5 ^
0 I% U/ V( Z: Q  Z2 D
關於eASIC4 P9 F. {6 F$ f; D
# _5 h  N( Q  E; \/ t! c- h* h
eASIC是一家無晶圓廠半導體公司,提供突破性的單光罩自適應ASIC設備,旨在顯著降低客製化半導體設備的整體成本和縮短投產時間。使用通孔層客製路由的專利技術實現了低成本、高性能和快速周轉ASIC及單晶片系統設計。這種創新構造使eASIC能夠提供前期成本顯著低於傳統ASIC的新一代ASIC。eASIC Corporation是一家私人公司,總部位於加州聖塔克拉拉。投資人包括Khosla Ventures、Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers (KPCB)、Crescendo Ventures、希捷(Seagate Technology, NASDAQ:STX)和Evergreen Partners。如需eASIC的更多資訊,請造訪

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發表於 2015-2-23 20:44:05 | 只看該作者
Asic 的利基市場和 Fpga的利基市場 各有千秋.
- ~: H6 v. ^0 K& Q' I* m2 z

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發表於 2015-7-23 21:32:34 | 只看該作者

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