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[問題求助] CMOS工艺下bandgap 负温度系数器件,为什么使用PNP管而不是用二极管?

發表於 2012-2-3 14:59:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
CMOS工艺下bandgap 负温度系数器件,为什么使用PNP管而不是用二极管?
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發表於 2012-2-3 22:59:40 | 只看該作者
5 O+ J- W/ S6 h會不會是標準CMOS的製程裡
% n- E3 ^/ o- I' S' [無法做出二極體, 只能用寄生的
$ O: j" Z1 ^0 o/ S3 s; `vertical PNP呢???
發表於 2012-2-8 16:02:57 | 只看該作者
其實也是有的。5 a% {' ~* Y; M- e9 |& f

* h# A$ D" D9 |, A: L/ @有一些Paper就是用Diode,或是NPN。
" ]+ @9 \# _8 O  x1 |5 _' c
7 ~) v( H3 x: C$ j' Z( S而會用PNP 是因為早期CMOS製程中,只能寄生等效PNP電路。6 [. A- d5 ^) D* i4 Y

, @! X0 O/ f6 G% p. _, O% q其中的寄生等效Diode會有Latch-up的問題。* m6 V8 ?& Z/ E# n% j, @

/ t+ M: m- y5 [/ A2 @& I這是製程受限的關係,比較先進的製程就沒這種問題了。
發表於 2012-2-9 13:24:53 | 只看該作者
在EDA Board 抓的資訊, 參考一下:2 T. A# l' w( S3 g1 _* q
7 I2 r  y) d5 N$ d. ?
I believe that what you are getting at is that there is a specific structure of P+/Nwell/Psub that is used for
+ Q7 @- Z* j% s  ?7 V5 v( ^9 Y* z" O' ]
the "bipolar", so you are asking why use that structure rather than simply a P+/Nwell "diode". Here is my take
/ Q( |9 U# `% y/ ^# x, I5 i/ ~/ w- f- I+ M( X
on this:7 Z! P, n8 E3 F" V
4 R9 H7 D, |3 k) x
1- The "bipolar" will simulate more accurately than the "diode", since it will include the substrate current + s4 ?) B* M& w+ C) E
4 N3 C6 o) A8 I; Q' ~
that is probably not modeled for the "diode".
0 C6 V3 z6 ^, P3 N
4 v' E: z7 h3 c2- There usually is a specific structure for the "bipolar" that has characterization data available. When
+ h. O7 X& {0 g% x( e" [0 W9 s8 _6 `7 l
building a bandgap structure, the good characterization is needed in order to properly determine the tempco of . Z- |* i& Z: L* Z6 R

: }; }& ^( C2 h# W% d/ |/ Jthe Base-emitter voltage.  L2 O9 ^- ]5 Q' y2 v
& Z$ [. R6 Q' y" ^
3- The additional structure of the bipolar should help prevent current injection into other substrate tied
7 w* \6 A+ k% M, X! Q7 g% C# `/ O5 j& _8 Q
devices.0 {; A+ h8 v6 E* }' _" g
, U6 M, c  T  k- r+ H
! v% D$ n# _" N; ^  _

4 j! p+ w" O1 C  m" KThere is, of course, nothing preventing the use of a P+/Nwell diode in your application.
發表於 2012-4-13 20:06:38 | 只看該作者
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