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發表於 2009-8-13 10:01:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
ESD: Circuits and Devices. e5 ]$ |6 h% K5 [( A: h: K1 V

- j4 I1 L8 V$ B% CBasic ESD and I/O Design
2 M: N% r- y/ Q9 W8 Y5 H( _7 @& s2 \
ESD Physics and Devices - w1 b1 O) G" Y4 B) D( c

0 R$ M3 O. A9 }' w9 ~3 a/ nESD Protection Device and Circuit Design for Advanced CMOS Technologies
( ~# T2 u7 U  v& R! g- @
; x- N. F) B2 G$ RESD : RF Technology and Circuits
9 s  ~% H3 [( p+ o3 s+ V* q2 w0 Z( i: b
ESD in Silicon Integrated Circuits : g2 \' A$ F6 ]9 V' \: s

) H3 z+ S7 \5 N: f" d, _  A* N6 o0 MLatchup
1 c2 m, u& Q4 b
5 Y" ^2 g0 I/ hESD: Failure Mechanisms and Models ) [+ C7 J2 ]1 [7 T& B4 ?' r

$ s  T0 P# M# V; q3 |Simulation Methods for ESD Protection Development
( F, a: g5 [! U, {! d" w
6 C0 D/ p) U1 n  J9 YOn-Chip ESD Protection for Integrated Circuits: An IC Design Perspective ' V6 J8 @" T+ l0 F1 L2 V
2 |9 R" q; D4 g" l- W- b
LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers   e% e4 }; f: @, a$ v) j$ v

/ t! h4 t' W; Q0 ?" k- MContamination and ESD Control in High Technology Manufacturing
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